WVM2005 - 21B+A
Mtg June 20
Agenda 27th
Calendar to July 1st

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Of course, probably (verbal) fireworks at the Public Hearing (7pm) on Evelyn Drive Monday, June 27; with so many speakers, to be continued Tuesday 7pm June 28th
June 27th's Main Items; mtgs to July 1st; June 20th's summary (and some comments); Abbreviated Agenda for June 27th; Quotation; BREAKING NEWS!

***  MAIN ITEMS  --  June 27  ***   [Monday's mtg will be broadcast on Shaw, Ch 4, from 9pm Tues]
To accommodate the numbers, the ccl mtg will start at 6:30 with, surprisingly, the June 13th minutes to be provided in the supplemental agenda (they used to be available the week after, why not yet available almost two weeks later?); then, more surprisingly, the Annual Municipal Report (to be provided on table, wch means at the ccl mtg -- hard to believe no notice it wd be on this agenda so not prepared??? -- why not wait until the next mtg since a few weeks ago the Cmnty Calendar had no ccl mtg for the 27th? but then maybe required to be public by June 30th.....); followed by the adoption of Watercourse Protection Bylaw.
THEN the Public Hearing on the OCP Amendment re Ev Drive starts at 7 -- but not till after both G-J and (surprise!) Sop declare they'll withdraw b/c of conflict of interest.


= Saturday, June 26
~ 11am to 7pm ~ Ambleside Farmers' Market (parking in the 1300-block of Bellevue)
{Why is it on the DWV website and the Dundarave Farmers' Market isn't???}  They're both every Saturday so will not be in my mtg/event list any more.  Note: the Dund doesn't go that long and I understand the Amb one usually doesn't either.}
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Concerts by the Sea (Ambleside Pier)  {These will continue throughout the summer also.}

= Monday: Ccl Mtg + PH; then PH continues at 7pm Tues ======

= Wednesday
~ 8:30am ~ Sports/Rec Fac Planning at Hall
~ 10am ~ Ferry Building Gallery "Arts Connection" re Taxes simplified [see details just below, end of this section]
= Thursday
~ 8:30am ~ Arts/Culture Select Cmte at Hall
~ 5pm ~ NSACDI at CNY M Hall

===   Friday JULY 1st = CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS = noon to 4pm =  Ambleside Park  ===
noon:  Reaffirmation Ceremony
o  WV Chamber of Commerce will present Canada Day Youth Award certificates to a number of notable West Vancouver high school students.
o  Recognition of veterans in our cmnty (this is "The Year of the Veteran"), over 80 confirmed to participate
o  Live entertainment and goodies including birthday cake, barbecued salmon from Coho festival, milkshakes from Sunrise Rotary, samples from Taste of Vancouver as well as some restaurants, La Regalade, Handi and others.
o  10:30pm (simulcast):  Canada Day Fireworks from a barge between Ambleside and Dundarave (1km due south of foot of 22nd).
(NB: there'll be street closures.)

..............."details re Arts Connection" for Wednesday, June 29 -- 10am - 12noon ..................

Ferry Building Gallery & West Vancouver Cultural Services presents.
ARTS CONNECTION -- an Artists' Networking Salon
Join us for coffee & muffins, meet other artists, share information, learn new ideas!
Guest Speaker:  Bob McMurray : Taxes for Artists- Simplified
An overview of current rules & regulations that apply to artists under Income Tax, GST and PST.   Will cover when to report, what to claim, how to keep records, special rules for artists, and the pros and cons of registering for GST and PST.
Bob McMurray is an artist , FCA, and tax accountant
*MEMBERSHIPS $35:   Cheque, cash, Visa, M/C, Amex &  Interac accepted.
DROP-IN $5:  includes muffin, coffee/tea
tel: 925-7290      fax: 925-5913      gallery@westvancouver.net                                               

>>>  SUMMARY of CCL MTG JUNE 20th  <<<

There were items added to agenda including a DWV-owned lot (543 - 9th) in the Evelyn Drive area that Millennium has offered to pay the M about $1.8m, and the Consultant's Draft Info Report (Ray Spaxman) on Ev Dr.
His report is now on DWV website at

In case you watch a videotape of the mtg and look for specific items, times are from start of mtg at 7pm.}

===  The 'Public Meeting' on BPP's proposed South Marr Devt Application ended at 9:15
One speaker was worried about the loss of trees and flooding as had happened in the past.  Several mentioned flaws in process b/c some work already done before the DP approved (eg bulldozing, piping of creeks).  Please note that the Chippendale Connector bridge damaged the ephemeral creek to such an extent that DFO issued a stop-order.  Ccl apparently did not know.  That road was built over a year ago even though it is integral to this devt; Ccl 'assumed' all the measures/permits were in place.  Not so.  That is why I've suggested that permissions must be presented on letterhead as part of the process.  BPP also implied or said that they had DFO authorization for the work they are or want to do for this devt.  Also not so.  At adv cmtes, BPP said they'd clearcut 99% of the trees and wd have a height restriction, but didn't give the height.  They also said they'd clearcut the 'Rain Garden' and described it as a 'wildlife corridor' as well.  As one of the submissions said, more like a cul de sac!  For my part, I can see the bears having picnic there, especially if any of the homes have fruit trees.
Look forward to the staff report requested; Public Mtg will reconvene July 4; in the meantime public input is still allowed and will be then.
===  VERY INTERESTING delegation from the Police Board and Police Chief.  The Strategic Plan also involved asking Ccl's approval for the $481K given to DWV by prov in Oct and the $718K since.  Some rather choked faces round the semicircle but much appreciation also expressed.   Choice quotation: "this money is meant for crime prevention, not to supplement M budgets; do not be swayed by fallacious arguments that we don't need $ b/c we live in a safe cmnty."  This is not the end of this story.
===  Civic Site Community Centre - Programming Transition Plan at 9:45 followed by the approval of WV submitting an application for the Cultural Capitals of Canada Program.
=== At 9:55, the Watercourse Protection Bylaws, Fees and Charges, and Procedures passed three readings.
===  Update on Heritage Strategic Plan was at 10:07; then approval for temporary bleachers at Hollyburn Country Club
===  DWV has an offer from Mllnm of $1.81m (subject to zoning) for 543 - 9th St (Ev Dr area)
===  Spaxman's draft report on Evelyn Drive was received in afternoon, will be on website on Tuesday; now public input, obviously will be critiqued at the PH June 27.
===  At 10:13 Reports VD talked about cmnty benefits even for Devt Permits, not just for rezoning; Amb Farmers' Market; great bagpipe event by DWV Firefighters; Ray Chapman, 96, honoured by Ch of Commerce
===  Correspondence started at 10:20: comments about First Nations payment/taxation re M services; cottonwood trees
===  Public Questions and Comments started at 10:25 with a question about the civic site transition plan (penalty if takes longer than 18mos?); WVFD thanks to DWV for support -- bagpipe event raised about $5700; b/c earlier the Mayor had referred to the ccl mtg next Monday at 7pm I got up to verify that in fact the ccl mtg wd start at 6:30 (yes; it's the PH that starts at 7), asked if a biophysical study of the Upper Lands (in particular the South Marr area) had been done, and wrt the Watercourse Protection Bylaw if the public cd appeal to Ccl since the devpr/applicant can; a lady was assured the Transition Zone was not in the OCP.
===  JF moved that the OCP amendment and zoning bylaw re Ev Dr be conducted until 10pm June 27
will adjourn to June 28


The Council Meeting will commence at 6:30 pm; Public Hearing at 7:00 pm
1.         CALL TO ORDER
3.1       Council Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2005  (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
4.         REPORTS
4.1       Annual Municipal Report (File:  0907-01)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance  (to be provided on-table)
{Even more amazing!!!}
4.2       Proposed B.C. Cancer Foundation Lifestyles Lottery - 2308 Kadlec Court (File:  1605-01)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
THAT the June 14, 2005 report from the Manager of Bylaw & Licencing [sic] Services titled "Proposed B.C. Cancer Foundation Lifestyles Lottery - 2308 Kadlec Court" be received for information.
5.1       Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4433, 2005 (Watercourses) (File:  1610?20-4433)
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits.
 5.2       Watercourse Protection Bylaw, Development Procedures Amendment Bylaw and Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
The following bylaws received Third Reading on June 20, 2005.
THAT "Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 4364, 2005" be adopted.
THAT "Development Procedures Bylaw No. 3984, 1996 Amendment Bylaw No. 4434, 2005" be adopted.
THAT "Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005 Amendment Bylaw No. 4431, 2005" be adopted.
7.         OTHER ITEMS
7.1       Correspondence
            No items presented.
9.         ADJOURNMENT

>>>>>  PUBLIC HEARING -- 7pm  EVELYN DRIVE <<<<<<<<

 1.                  PUBLIC HEARING

OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW NO. 4360, 2004, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 4439, 2005 (Evelyn Drive Special Study Area)

The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the subject application:
 Affected Lands: Lands in the area bounded by Keith Road on the North, Taylor Way on the East, Park Royal Shopping Centre (765 Marine Drive) on the South, and Park Royal Towers (935, 945 and 955 Marine Drive) on the Southwest.
Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment:  To revise the OCP to permit rezoning for multi-family housing in the Evelyn Drive Special Study Area and to establish the Evelyn Drive Development Permit Area including designation, objectives and guidelines.
On June 06, 2005 Council set the date for the Public Hearing. The statutory notice of Public Hearing was published in the North Shore News on June 19 and June 22, 2005.  On June 14, 2005, 3263 notices were mailed owners and occupiers within the prescribed notification area.


ZONING BYLAW NO. 2200, 1968, AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 4440, 2005 (Certain lands in the Evelyn Drive Special Study Area)

The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the subject application:
Applicant:  Millennium Properties Ltd.
Affected Lands:  710, 720, 728, 742, 750, 838, 846, 854, 862, 870, 876, 886, 910, 914, 928, 960, 970, 974 and 976 Keith Road, 710 to 895 Evelyn Drive and 525 and 543 9th Street.
Purpose:  To provide for redevelopment of the affected lands to multi-family housing.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment:  To create the Comprehensive Development Zone One (CD1) and rezone the lots shown shaded on the plan below from R.S.5 Single Family Zone 5 and M.U.3 Multiple Use Zone 3 to Comprehensive Development Zone One (CD1).
Adjournment or Closure of Public Hearing
THAT all written and verbal submissions regarding Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4439, 2005 and Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4440, 2005 be received and that the Public Hearing be closed / adjourned to __________________.
If Council wishes a further staff report, then:
THAT Staff report back to Council regarding the June 27, 2005 Public Hearing re Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4439, 2005 and Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4440, 2005 and that the Public Hearing be adjourned to ________________.
 Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.



The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.
                        -- Stendal (Marie Henri Beyle), novelist (1783-1842)

10pm June 27
Members of Applicant's team spoke at Public Hearing before opened to chamber full with chairs in lobby full as well.  Millennium has said they'd start again with a new plan (but still at 1.0FAR).
VD will be in Toronto Tuesday.  Mayor stopped public input early, about 9:43, for him to ask some questions of staff.
That means PH will continue Tues and a staff report will be needed that will have to be made available to the public for comment before closing the PH.