Ccl NOTES July 24
AGENDA July 27
Aug/Sept Cal

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Trust you're all enjoying the summer.  Right to the end!
This will be the last newsletter until the one planned for the agenda of the next Ccl mtg, Sept 11.
Sad at news of passing of former mayor, Derrick Humphreys.  His service is noted in the Calendar below (Aug 23).
Don't forget there's a townhall mtg Sept 13th wrt the Evelyn Drive Redevt.
NB: Aug 22 happened to notice the DWV website says the Ccl Procedure Bylaw will be on the agenda Sept 11 -- with so many ppl away and not having looked at it, let's encourage (as urged in last WVM) the changes be publicized so citizens can have input.

= MAIN ITEMS July 27: this specially scheduled mtg was a surprise -- told wd be just a few minutes, nothing much, tidying up for what not finished July 24 so agenda not available until just before mtg, but here it is (you be da judge): Environmental Study Progress Report; 1548 Argyle, demolition and conversion to public use; Rock Blasting for Eagle Lake Membrane Filtration Facility Construction; Accretions and Natural Boundary Adjustments (sound general? well, Ccl has decided NO LONGER to inform residents!); Miscellaneous Policy Procedure Changes (another surprise -- and it was approved!); Ch of Commerce fee-for-service agreement; Rezoning and DP applications by Collingwood and 2533/2563 Garden Court.
=  POTPOURRI; August/Sept Calendar (agendas show thoroughness of FSTF Ec'ic subcmte); Ccl NOTES July 24; AGENDA July 27 (8:30am mtg told 'not much' but note importance as listed in Main Items!); New Words (Geekese); Haiku (Politi-ku); Quotations

===  POTPOURRI  ===
Ambleside Park Vision Plan now available on the DWV website and at the Hall. (Provide input!)
NAU - you'll be hearing about this if you follow politics with an election hovering: North American Union.
Several have written to WVM about the billboards on Squamish land, ie LGB.  From my point of view, this is a question of legal jurisdiction difficult or awkward at best to influence.  There is however something we can do: if we agree, buy the products, if we don't, boycott.
Annual Maintenance Shutdown at the Aquatic Centre: check for dates
At least 3000 deaths/killings per month in Iraq, over 100 a day in Baghdad.
[Qtns too] Shakespeare (1564 - 1515); In Julius Caesar, Scene III, Brutus says:
        And waving our red weapons o'er our heads,
        Let's all cry, 'Peace, freedom, and liberty!'
from CPT:
"Some Iraqis in central and southern Iraq told me that all the parties involved in the strife do not really want peace. They want the conflict to continue to accomplish their own gains. According to this view, Shia leaders want the unrest so they can push the country to accept a federal system.  Sunni leaders want unrest to keep the Shia government from successfully establishing itself and Americans want the unrest to justify staying.
1200+ Lebanese killed; 160 Israelis; $7bn needed to restore Lebanon; let's all pray for the peacekeepers
from VSun Aug 26
Nasrine Al Wakal, an English teacher in Beirut who has applied to immigrate:
"I have been told that Canada is very boring and that is exactly what we're looking for."

===  CALENDAR August/September ===
ONGOING:  Saturdays: Farmers' Market in Dundarave AND Sundays: Farmer's Market in Ambleside; Salsa-by-the-Sea (Concerts at Ambleside pier 7 - 10pm)

=== Wednesday, Aug 23 ===
~ 1 - 3pm ~ Memorial service for Esther Birney, famous Canadian poet Earle Birney's first wife, and a vibrant intellectual force in her own right.  My girlfriend and I stayed at their house one year at UBC.  She was 98!
~ 2pm ~ Funeral for former mayor Derrick Humphreys at St Stephen's Church, 885 - 22nd; a fervent booster of WV -- but presume you've read his impressive obituary in VSun and NSNews.
=== Friday, Aug 25 ===
~ 1 - 3pm ~ FSTF Economic Subcmte, Elizabeth Musto Room, WVML (see agenda at end of this section)
=== Sunday, Aug 27 === ~ 1 - 5pm ~ AMBLESIDE DAY 1300/1400 blocks of Marine Drive
=== Tuesday, Aug 29 ===  ~ 4 - 6pm ~ FSTF Economics Subcmte in Larson Room at Gleneagles Cmty Ctr.
=== Thursday, Aug 31 === ~ 5 - 7pm ~ NSACDI Meeting, NV City Hall
=== Friday, Sept 1st === ~ 2 - 4pm ~ FSTF Economic Subcmte, Elizabeth Musto Room, WVML (see agenda below also)
=== Tuesday, Sept 5 ===  ~ 4:30pm ~ full FSTF at Hall (regular meetings on Tuesdays)
=== Wednesday, Sept 6 === ~ 7 - 9pm ~ Library Board in Peters Room
***  Ambleside Park Sunday Sept 10: WVSPCA Walkathon 10 - noon, and the Coho Festival all day!  ***
Sept 11 = Ccl resumes, first meeting after the summer break
Sept 12 = FBG Opening Reception 6 - 8pm of EVERYWHERE IS MEMORY; Exhibition closes Sept 28
        Paintings: Acrylic on wood by Marion Llewellyn; Artist's Talk 2 - 3pm Sept 16
*** Sept 13 ~ Townhall mtg at KMC on Evelyn Drive proposed devt ***
Sept 15 - 17 ~ North Shore Heritage Weekend -- details in future issue

>>>  AGENDAS: FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE, Economic Subcmte (s/c #3)  <<<
Open to any member of the public who may wish to audit the proceedings.  Task force members welcome to attend.
***  Aug 25th agenda:
[1pm] -- 1. Call to order;  2. Approval of agenda
3. Minutes of Aug 11th meeting (Revised); Minutes of Aug 14th meeting (Draft)
4. Interview with R. Laing, Dir/Finance regarding revenue estimates in five-year plan and annual budget adopted 2006, and (time permitting) other estimates in that plan.
5. Review of the Task Force Meeting of Aug 22nd; issues/action arising from that meeting pertaining to s/c #3.
6. Workplan activities
    a. Financial condition: i) Statement of operations, forecast vs. budget; ii) Capital & operating reserves; iii) Definition & tests of "affordability"
    b. Comparative stats: i) data & inferences from data; ii) additional data requirements & sources; iii) historical trends & future estimates; iv) role of comp.stats viz.'sustainability'; v) role of statistics in planning & control
    c. Service levels: i) definition of 'service level' viz DWV; ii) alternative definitions; iii) productivity measures & their purpose; iv) what we know & don't know; v) service levels & budgets & planning; vi) efficiency & effectiveness criteria; vii) action/task assignments
    d. Taxation policy: i) residential taxation vs. local CPI-all-items, policy impact of status quo; ii) business ppty taxation vs. residential ppty taxation & policy opportunities; iii) zero taxation increase policy & impact on fiscal sustainability; iv) action/task assignment
    e. Alt. scenarios: i) role of scenarios in planning & estimating; ii) three suitable scenarios to advance; iii) action/task assignment
[2:30pm]    7. Other business
                  i) staff interviews--should the s/c interview staff & if so when & who?
                  ii) what part of s/c #3's work assignment, if any, should be transferred to another s/c?
                  iii) has the s/c #3 completed its work, and if so should the s/c be disbanded?
[2:45pm]    8. Invitation to public to comment: a. procedural issues / b. points in clarification
9. Announcement of next meeting  /  [3:00 pm]   10. Adjournment
*** Sept 1st agenda [2pm start]:
        3. Minutes of Aug 29th meeting
        4. Interview with D. Leavers, Manager of Parks & Environment
        5. Review of Progress-to-date
        6. Workplan activities (as above for Aug 25th)
        7. Other business
[3:45pm] 8. Invitation to public to comment / 9. Next mtg Announcement / [4pm] 10. Adjournment

===  CCL NOTES July 24th  ===

Agenda amended adding items; extending use of washrooms during special events;...;K Steig letter re high-end restaurant
3.1       Council Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2006 --  adopted.
4.         DELEGATIONS
4.1       G. Smith and M. Audain, regarding "A Vision for the West Vancouver Art Gallery"
Gordon Smith:
GS: thank you; you've received a written version of the statement
a new art gallery, raising the level of the arts in WV and the North Shore
Many Ms have their own art galleries and it's time to think of raising the level on the North Shore
one way is having a new building; know it's expensive
experience of going to Bilbao, a small town in Spain, and built one there (by Gehry)
not even as big as WV; ppl travel to see it
with Games coming here, int'l visitors
gallery a kind of icon here; shdn't be a problem here
distinguished architects living on the NShore; have a competition and invite ppl
select about five architectural firms
need a bldg right in the middle of the biz district of WV
drive into WV, see space at 14th in Amb
cd serve as an art ctr and education ctr
think we can afford to keep this thing going
ppl wd like to come and visit; we've got one great bldg in Vancouver, the Museum of Anthropology, it's a major bldg
have it not just for elite and wealthy, art classes for children
can have a variety of programmes in the bldg, paintings and sculpture, design and architecture
nice one, architectural exhibition, you had one at FBG a while ago
came 50 years ago by ferry, met at Norma Sorensen's place, got $5 a night for teaching, taught art
great lawyers, great chefs, have come here
came back from overseas, studied at School of Art, under b c binning, Ron Thom,.....
cd buy a piece of property in WV for $500, and for NV for $300.
number of artists and architects
some of the best architecture of anywhere in Canada, West Coast Style started in WV
competition, got to be the very best
public welcome, excellent staff, diverse exhibitions, curator
wd donate works
Wd the Ccl commit to staff; make this project a top priority; give staff time to prepare for next phase
Michael Audain: 6231 Taylor Dr
you've just heard from one of Canada's leading artists, certainly BC's...
support idea of art gallery in WV
spend time in arts, chair VAG Fdn, cultural fdns, mbr of Arts Ccl of BC and Bd of Nat'l Gallery of Canada
strange to find in our own cmnty not a professional gallery
excellent photographic gallery in NV in Presentation House but looking for better
WV is big enough to support gallery of its own; cd become part of WV's identity
the Squamish ppl have been doing art for a number of years
diff ethnic groups calling WV home
encourage you to consider the general idea
Mayor: thank you for your vision and leadership
something cmnty can be proud of and grateful for
will discuss more during culture process
will try to give you a firm answer of a location in the fall
5.         REPORTS
5.1       Notice on Title - 2253 Lawson Avenue, West Vancouver
SJN: call on Tim O'Meara
TO'M: staff recommended legal
staff extensive efforts, at this time no resolution, ... (gave examples)
deck shown as open has now been enclosed
DWV has issued 18 tix and none paid or disputed, so feel no other option but to proceed
Michael Lane: I'm the owner along with my wife and two children
difficult to get through; in Variance last week, asked for two but got one
abandoning....   opened deck now
going to Variance in the fall
paving stone allowance will be done as well
the new deck structure that I have a permit for will be coming another 7ft forward
the deck there is exactly like my prints
2ft from grade; as on permit; haven't put in earth.....
have some support
abandoned the permit and only going for the front post permit
seek it b/c mistake made, went through WV plan-checking and not caught; my working drawings show exactly where they are
my site plan shows at 25 ft but drawing 1ft difference, but contractors use working drawings
shd we make sure plan same as drawings
took inspector and me weeks to figure out where the mistake was -- was between plan and drawings
not done on purpose, seeking variance in Sept
Tim spoke about a deck enclosure -- bylaw so vague unbelievable
checked with my designer and guidelines -- it says deck can be open on one end only; got on two
took weeks
Tim went to Randy and tried to figure it out
have seen lots of decks with one side open; it's a weird ruling
have worked something out with Randy, don't know if it's got down to Tim yet
construction set for next couple of weeks
have tried to design and build something to fit in with the nbrhd; stone work as in Brit Props
some nbrs agree some don't
Mayor: that's not the issue
ML: I have documents here
Sop: you have plan but you built something else
ML: drawings generic, don't show material, choices you sometimes make as you go along
stucco or...
Sop: these were flagged during construction; I have the chronological record here
Mayor: this is for questions
Sop: then he's had his say
1.        All written and verbal submissions regarding Notice on Title - 2253 Lawson Avenue up to and including the Council meeting held on July 24, 2006 be received;
then VV moved:
2.        Pursuant to the Community Charter section 57 the corporate officer be directed to file a notice regarding 2253 Lawson Avenue, in the land title office stating that (a) a resolution relating to 2253 Lawson Avenue has been made under section 57 of the Community Charter, and (b) further information about it may be inspected at the municipal hall;
3.        Staff be authorized to take legal action necessary to obtain bylaw compliance regarding 2253 Lawson Avenue.
 Sop: time we took control of this
[Some mbrs of public put hands up to speak however]
Mayor: motion passed unanimously
5.2       Development Variance Permit 06?027 (8615 Lawrence Way) (File:  1010?20?06?027)
At the July 10, 2006 Meeting, Council received the report dated June 26, 2006 from the Community Planner titled "Development Variance Permit 06?027 (8615 Lawrence Way)", a copy of which is attached for reference.
Sop: using nbr's prop for access?
Ans: we've talked to nbr, access through nbr's prop very steep and narrow
the contractor is aware that's a problem
expect material will have to come down from LWay or from the sea
Sop: no road or driveway into the prop?
SJN: none down to the house
access on nbr's but not something you'd take trucks down
suggest make sure find best way, route
prop exists and have a right to build but...
Sop: LWay is above the prop
Ans: we have a garage higher than the prop
Sop: no access to get to house; predominantly on the water
Ans: too close to the water, that's the problem
THAT all written and verbal submissions, regarding Development Variance Permit Application 06?027 (8615 Lawrence Way) up to and including the Council Meeting held on July 24, 2006, be received.
THAT the Development Variance Permit Application No. 06?027 (8615 Lawrence Way), which would allow for renovations and additions to an existing home with a variance to waterfront yard be approved.
Sop: letter from nbr, how get material to that site?
SJN: can get down with a pickup truck and nbrs will permit that
this is a renovation to a 2200sf home, structurally unsound
will have to bring in by barge, as done on Eagle Island; or down by crane, don't know if that's possible
Sop: nothing in the bylaws that driveway to door
SJN: new but these in past
JF: won't be a building permit issue until satisfied arrangements for delivery?
acceptance of DOF?
SJN: normally that's the case
normally put in DVP that they take the extra effort to come up with a plan
JC: notice we have someone from the construction company here on edge of seat and wants to speak
Mayor: I did ask twice
Man from Company: six feet, can carry; driveway narrow but pickup trucks
small trades can easily go down and up, winter may be a problem
demolition will probably mean taken away by barge
not on an island, easy to walk there, one minute
can use Lawrence Way to access easily; think it won't be a problem to take the materials down there
Sop: the existing house smaller, there's a second storey so going up to 2000sf
5.3       Ambleside Park Vision Plan:  Further Information
            This item was deferred from the July 17, 2006 Council Meeting.
Doug Leavers: more information submitted, available for questions from Ccl
Sop: I've watched this over period of time; lots of process
of late, heard of commercial venture in park and I haven't made a decision good bad or indifferent
Mayor: have you a question for Mr Leavers?
Sop: yes; wd it not require a lot more defining before entering into a P3?
it might be a vision, but not a reality?
DL: yes, a lot more info to be collected before going forward with any
some been in touch, heard on the wind, but through the whole process staff concentrated on service, its quality; hesitancy to explore all the different options in a detailed fashion until more indication of wch direction to go
Sop: cost? -- vision plan but so many variables
recommendation to look at this as an Amb master plan but there shd be something wrt costs, albeit a vision
fail to see where you cd not answer those statements about finance
along with every vision we can say wonderful things -- any guesstimates?
DL: you'll notice we've prioritized the projects in the plan
options run by Ccl and public; always focused on what served the visitor first and foremost
to put a figure on the entire thing, the volatility of cost-estimating these days, have not gone into that b/c started as vision and not detailed design
JF: devt priorities; green core and beach
resident spoke, Sheena Vennesland, about the lagoon -- to carry on so no birds left, nothing to save
where are the improvements to the environment and I wd hope they're to the front
if we don't shore up the beach, fewer reasons to go
DL: lagoon always been quite high on the list; all came to realize value of the habitat
the work of env'tal restoration is slow and steady and already we've made some great strides; vegetation
changes to lagoon major engg but we've made changes wrt timing of work
happy to report that five green heron chicks were born in a nest no one knew was there
JF: opportunity to partner with Sq First Nation?
DL: happy to report Mayor had success talking with a mbr of Sq and I'll be making call this week
MS: you say survey says poor food services....
as I remember the presentation, you were looking for guidance from this Ccl as to what priorities shd be tackled first?
are we just going to receive this report or respond to the priorities?
Mayor: Mr Leavers is here to answer questions
but there is a motion re the concession, just haven't got there yet
MS: looking forward to discussion
RD: says plan has to be refined and I agree, right asking for further study
problem I have here is exploring commercial concessions etc
does that mean staff is going to go out and start negotiating with restaurants? what terms? parking?
Ccl really hasn't decided what kind of restaurant and size, agrees with restaurant
field facilities -- moving wd be expensive; need to separate that from the beachfront restaurant?
DL: the process generally, work done in other municipalities
usually begins with call for expressions of interest
we're not restauranteurs but we can go fishing
one quotation that has always stuck with me -- we won't be developing parks as we did, in future will be looking for partnerships to provide the quality that our residents expect
always seen opp to partner in Amb
putting out that hook is one way to find out
RD: high end restaurant?
DL: don't know where that term comes from, we haven't used it
RD: moving the baseball diamond to the south end? is that what it means? expensive to move?
DL: working with the Sports/Rec Facilities Cmte, a number of possibilities were discussed
wdn't it be nice to have soccer and baseball together
staff spent time measuring and concluded baseball diamonds cd be situated south in one location
moving of the field is not an inordinate cost
RD: want--
CAO: make clear that we wd not go ahead and design any of these
we wd start with what wd the footprint be and the components and then come back to Ccl
then see if you agree to go out
wd also want to determine of support of public
Mr Leavers have pointed out not necessarily linked and diamonds cd hv different configuration
cd look into fundraising and partnering
all that wd come back before going further
VV: read your report on park plan; spatial challenges, small park area
my impression is that this park is too small for what's expected for it
DL: ev that happens at Amb can happen now
took all the existing uses and went to public; ppl love Ambleside and love what they can do there; not our intent to take anything away.
THAT the report dated July 19, 2006 titled "Ambleside Park Vision Plan:  Further Information from the Manager of Parks & Environment" be received. 
            1.         Staff is directed to continue to refine the plan and to explore possible partnerships with respect to development of a beachfront concession/restaurant/visitor use building, a sports field house and a special events venue.
            2.         The Vision Plan be incorporated into the Ambleside Area Master Plan.
Sop moved: that the Vision Plan be prioritized and a budget come back
CAO: we can do that
but wrt the restaurant, eg, there may be no costs
are you asking us to provide estimates as if we were going to build these?
Sop: prioritize, then look at figures
Mayor: I don't have a seconder
VV: second
RD: staff asked to further refine so I'd suggest add further refine and that wd give the staff more leeway; then we can discuss further about the restaurant
Mayor: further refine or prioritize?'
Sop: I'll accept that if intent here
an awful lot of work went into this; comes down to dollars and cents and cost for future
not all at once
other priorities will come before Ccl
we have no concept of the cost
look at costs, refine, and budget -- then can move ahead will all these projects
won't have anything concrete till we have dollars and cents
VV: I'm really interested in this but we don't seem to have a park acquisition policy
1300block is outside of this vision; its zoning might be changed
wish we had a policy as opportunity arises, I know along Argyle but that's the extent of it
wd like to know what percentage of parks that can be artificial turf b/c I understood want another artificial turf field and that excludes the public
don't mind it being refined but we're missing the greater
RD: really hard, complex park; used for so many purposes
if Ccl's willing, if this passes, suggest we consider a working group to look into the restaurant
re size of restaurant, parking, type,......
Mayor: to further refine and budget is motion on the floor
MS: wd speak against this motion
staff have spent months if not years, come back with vision and say over to you
a group of logical ppl
$40m cmnty ctr
Mayor: speak to motion
MS: I am
we cd pick off what doesn't cost [much]
why not consider proposals to put something there that wd get us revenue?
absolute nonsense; gone on long enough
JF: I too won't support; it seems to me the more partners we have -- restaurant to say whether feasible or not, better than hire our own consultants
expand user groups, raising funds
partnership shd be the Sq Nation and any other level of govt they can raise funds from
will not support motion as presently put
JC: I can't either
a moment ago questioning his credentials now turning it back
staff have done a great job, pass it on to prospective partners with RFP
they'll come back before we're all dead
Sop: we'll keep going; having restaurant won't answer all the problems/costs
moving Pound Rd, etc, all costs
let's look at costs or we'll be taxed to death
not to take away Cclr Smith's idea of restaurant
JC: defining or refining?
RD: refining is in the motion; my purpose is not to exclude staff
set up a working group composed of restauranteurs and staff
don't understand why Cclr Smith upset
will be working with topnotch ppl
I support the motion so I can make another, set up a working group so we can get it launched
VV: to me it's quite simple
put some financial numbers next to steps; logical
not a question of avoiding anything, just getting on with what comes next.
CAO: suggest you split the motion and we can do both
refine and report back with costs
can do partnerships concurrently, v little impact on our budgets
ask us to refine the plan and there'll be some high-level budgets
RD: that makes sense
Mayor: b/c Cclr Sop went to second first assume he did not want to make first
Wd MClk read [done]
Mayor: I'm going to support, more will come back in the other motion (first)
so it [amendment] carries, motion?
MS: sports. Period?  Time?  Scope?
CAO: can come back in September, but guess shd ask Mr Leavers
DL: end of Sept
MS: I have to take responsibility for highend, presume residents wdn't want a Taco Bell
high end to put up the capital to
if another possibility not putting up our own money, explore it
great location, dinner, cup of iced tea
this cd be a great asset for the cmnty and confident a great revenue-generator for the cmnty
JC: so present lease is expiring
DL: end of 2007
JF: include possible partnerships with Sq First Nations to restore health and stability of lagoon
MS: different motion
JF: cd be
Sop: point of order
Mayor: you're welcome to make a followup motion
Sop: if built do we give up our rights to that building?
DL: a number of options exist
Sop: operate till he gets his return
DL: my priority is to get a facility in Amb Park that is worthy of Amb Park
Sop: no problem with that
RD: attach the sports field with the restaurant
Sop: stopped
RD: oh stopped with?  then I support
Mayor: I wd like to speak in favour of the motion
speaks to sustainability, need investment in infrastructure, we have to explore partnerships
opp to change a cost ctr into a revenue stream
P3 is consistent b/c been a commercial concession stand there since 1940s
not necessarily highend, not sure that wd serve the most ppl
until we ask the question and who's to work with us
MClk: youth building
Mayor: no; continue to refine
carries unanimously
end of motion?
Mayor: go to Cclr Ferg for followup motion
JF: env'tal with Sq Nation
CAO: take it that partnership is the top priority
others are interested in partnership with field house, etc
take it you're not opposed so will come back
Mayor: think Cclr Smith's intention was that restaurant priority not throw away the rest
JC: so move rest with sports
MS: yes
Sop: so why redoing?  original motion was to refine
Mayor: I think Mr Stuart is saying there are no partners, not want to put on backburner
Sop: sports fieldhouse was a latecomer; how big? if partners, bring them along.
size, cost, bring them along
RD: I wanted to separate re restaurant
the sports field house complicated -- another field; have to talk to other baseball groups
home runs coming off, hitting ppl on heads on the beach
got to take our time on this issue; not push this too fast
Sop: we already have a baseball heading south and intention to take it away b/c netting to stop balls so decision made to move south of tracks; sorted out over last four years
the sports halls, Cclr Day correct, refine the plan, bring them out
Mayor: are the ppl you're partnering with Little League?
DL: I don't know
CAO: cd be done simply by changing washrooms on north side
don't think we need to tie all the pieces together
wanted to get a sense as to if Ccl was opposed; do have sense want a partner and that's all staff wants at this time
Mayor: need a motion?
CAO: wd be helpful to have a motion
Mayor: may I have it read
MOTION re sports field house and special events venue
Sop: opposed
Mayor: I'm in favour so motion carries
[MOTION CARRIES]  thank you, Mr Leavers, for all your work, and--
Sop: we haven't finished this--
Mayor: oh, haven't we?
Sop:  that the Vision Plan be incorporated into the Amb Master Plan, b/c we have all these components
somewhere we're going to have to draw this all in together and I think that's an important step
Mayor: thank you for that excellent discussion, there'll be a lot more to come, it seems
5.4       Arts on Argyle Waterfront Plan / Accompanying Report
             To be provided on table.
{that means about the last mtg before summer break and no notice!}
JF: Arts & Culture cmte to carry out implementation
hired consultant; several workshops; developed a list of recommendations for the cmte to look at and consider and bring back to Ccl
Ask Ms Chuback to tell us Tof Ref
JCh: Arts and Culture Strategy
adopted in 2005; consultant team hired; Ccl providing leadership, sense of place, etc
waterfront 14th to 19th
four points:
- partnership with friends of FBG
- heritage enclave bet 17th and 18th
- work with WVCAC, re Silk Purse
- look at Klee Wyck
hired Aldrich Pears/Hotson Bakker/Commonwealth -- report appended to this item
want to emphasize precinct and how arts village will revitalize the Amb area
sense of village and attract possibilities
Arts Precinct: import relationships, linkages, critical mass
Design Principles:
Cmnty Priorities: green space, corridors, increase public access to waterfront
Study recommended two stages of devt then three others
Arts Village and Village Green; enhancement of Silk Purse
Phase Two going East West along waterfront
operationally, look at non-profit orgs running facilities
successful partnership with biz
Amb Town Ctr Strategy and Amb Park Vision Plan
in consultation with the Arts and Culture Cmte last week:

{Ooooooh, really?  Stop right there.  Amazing bit of information dropped.  I put this in my mind's pocket for later.  Notices are supposed to be posted for cmte mtgs.  There had been a couple of meetings for this cmte in the DWV website calendar and then they mysteriously stopped; enquiries about mtgs were vague -- they were meeting, they weren't, they were having workshops, etc (still ought to have public notice) -- SO it was very interesting to have confirmation as I'd suspected that meetings had continued.  Tut, tut.  More on this in PQP b/c I cdn't resist getting confirmation they'd been meeting and not doing so according to the Cmnty Charter, thus in effect preventing WV residents from attending.}

opportune time, integration
14th and Marine opportunities
role WV can play in Olympics
Next steps: look at Amb Town Ctr; relationships between programs, places, and ppl
most effective going east west along waterfront; interest in moving to biz area 14th to 18th
success of FBG, how to enhance it
Moving Forward: support in principle for major art gallery
JF: when report went to Cmte, support along waterfront but one concern wrt consultant's recommendations. -- a lot of building along the waterfront
if acquiring those homes and then put buildings and supposed to be public space
unclear; wanted to take advantage
advance and embrace opp to bring in more ppl
the consultant noted that one of the problems of having along waterfront was the difficulty getting across the rlwy tracks to get to biz district; as well bring biz ppl into arts precinct
after the presentation tonight from Mr Smith and Mr Audain
foster the successes of FBG, etc; excellent place to start
we're making a recommendation that in the first phase, FBG work with Friends of FBG
enhance to continue to provide some really good local grassroots visual art for the cmnty
Ccl support in principle explore major art gallery in Amb, as suggested by presenters this evening; work with P3
the two we propose complementary, not competing
one grassroots, and one higher, more sophisticated fine arts
I'll make the motion
Sop: may I have them separated
Mayor: sure
all in favour, er uh, just received
JF: receipt
JC: separating all of them?
Mayor: What's your intent?
Sop: what's phase two?
JF: Phase Two. -- we haven't really decided yet
In fact, Cmte cd sit down and reprioritize Phase One, and modify Phase Two to take advantage of opportunity presented to us by Mr Audain and Mr Smith
remains to be seen what Phase Two may evolve to; may not embrace reports that the consultant brings forward
Sop: you have another concept of a major gallery; something we shd look at
not duplication with FBG and art gallery in same area
JF: no.  wd be complementary: diff forms of art, different types; one solely cmnty-driven as FBG is now; other much more international in scope and have the capacity to take in donations from significant collectors that already live in WV and bequests from ppl looking to find a home for some of their very amazing and wonderful collections of artwork, as well as to have travelling exhibits b/c it wd be sort of building that wd have both the security and the quality of atmosphere and humidity to allow that to happen
Sop: fine but concerns; same as vision plan, don't have budget in front of us; don't know if art gallery in biz area or on water; dollars associated with it; major decisions to be made wrt acquisition of homes
staff can get going but concerned dollars here and we haven't made a decision as to what to do
Mayor: motion on the floor is specifically about the FBG expansion and enhancement
VV: share some concerns
difficult to consider without seeing how integrated into the overall area
we're now looking at two galleries
particularly looking for policy wrt acquiring these properties --- too expensive or seawall walk in front of the homes
difficult to say that's next phase if we don't see how it works together
going to be v difficult and problematic to vote
maybe in future we may wish to restrict traffic along Argyle
this whole thing doesn't hang together yet
feel rather like Cclr Sop, first see how all fits together then how costs work
then in a position to vote on various combinations of elements
do recognize the FBG is a heritage facility so assume it will remain
Mayor: just so you know, as soon as any mbr of Ccl asks a motion be separated, it is
JF: move them all

{Five-part MOTION, checked DWV website Aug 30, not there!!!  Will put in WVM 24 (minutes).
JF read them off/pity not on the printed agenda; impossible for me to type while ppl speaking as well as from screen. 
NB: this five-part motion/plan over five to ten years that will cost millions of dollars was 'on table' so no one in the public had any idea of it except to hear at the very meeting, supposed to be the last one of the summer.  What does that tell you about openness? transparency? inclusiveness? }

Mayor: and we'll vote on separately; Ccl debate, and one at a time
RD: item 2 on floor
JC: helpful if I second all five
Mayor: can't have all five at once, not more than one motion at a time
Sop: point of order, one was voted on, second is on the floor, and that's what we're debating
Mayor: right, any comments?
JF: we're identifying it as a priority
before undertaken there'd have to be plans, costing, how financed, but all that wd have to come back to Ccl but can't begin until we pass this
VV: being reluctant to vote just on the FBG, a heritage building
new foundation, we might build/move Silk Purse with it, makes some sense
basement space, both in one bldg; don't want to preclude, a group, I can't focus on just the FBG, want to see options, all five; don't want to vote on one bldg.
JF: the Arts and Culture Strategy bldg have been working on this for two or three years, huge focus groups
all sorts of combinations; considering this, have looked at very many
FBG and Silk Purse in their locations or very close to them is something cmnty wd support
prepared to support them and their retention, and the enhancement but we have to get on with it.
Mayor: [Cclr] Smith
Sop: Pt of order; three times over there!
Mayor: Cclr Smith hasn't spoken
MS: I'll be quick, Cclr Sop; we need an Argyle Waterfront Strategy
noticed one of the goals was to improve public access to the waterfront
I walk it every day and don't see that happening
don't see how we can talk about arts and culture on Argyle without talking about priority per se
we own 13th and 14th and pretty well 17th, 18th
why not start and see how to fit arts facilities in; finish seawalk we started 39 years ago and in that time we've added two more blocks
see what it wd look like
Sop: have always stated looked at FBG and Silk Purse viable and justified staying there
the other is the principle of an art gallery, that's another consideration
all in a position looking at waterfront, need better vision of overall picture and prices
wd support no 5 and looking at a gallery, no 4
JF: your questions are not one that I wd take lightly and that's the reason why you're only being presented with Phase One.
We know we can go ahead with the enhancement of the FBG and we know Ccl v supportive and acknowledges its success
we know we can start with this small piece
do what ppl want, enjoyment on waterfront; in concert with new gallery
lose fear what will happen, we may change
may be five, six years; we have an opportunity here to capitalize on some of the 2010 legacy money to help us achieve this and support the art cmnty, and we shd be helping them in developing this venue and proposed gallery
CAO: sense Ccl's almost awkwardness b/c at point whole bunch of concurrent studies
remember discussions a number of years, don't want to deal waterfront plan until Arts on Argyle and don't want to deal Amb Park Plan until see the Amb Biz Plan; right now working concurrently on all of them
bringing all of them together, one document so we can look at all of them in the fall, this is how they integrate, but it's a bit like the chicken and the egg.  We do need to know what you support conceptually, so we can put in plan, do rough budget, then decide what you want to approve and endorse to next level of detail
frustrated, don't have it all, but need sense of support, take them out to the cmnty in the fall
RD: sort of same thing
at some point fish or cut bait but this one is fine; have some doubts about Phase Two, don't see any problem with Phase One
Phase One just to see wch buildings on waterfront to retain or demolish
answers Cclr Smith's concerns; acknowledging we will identify; FBG and Silk Purse reasonable to enhance them
I'll support this and all the other items
VV: really feel we do need the master plan with integrated facilities
appreciate the MMgr's problem saying from staff point of view wch comes first chicken or egg, and reason we're dodging backwards and forwards
I'm absolutely confident we need the master plan next: Amb Park, Argyle Waterfront, and the Amb Biz, and I don't suffer from the same difficulty as Mr Stuart, when you consider wch came first, it is in fact the egg!
Mayor:  Is it.
Some voices: no, no
Mayor: may I make a few comments?   I'm 100% in favour of all five; on shoulders of many in cmnty; glad all those have hung in there
desperately wishing to pass this now, then we can come to Amb biz and integrate culture
that's they way things are going
Ccl shd recognize that WV is in the forefront
I'm going to prove this [holds up newsletter from] Heritage Canada
our cmnty parade 2005 was on the cover last year; major installation, Aquatic Ctr
third issue this year
what is key, what hinges in putting culture at centre of urban planning, is revitalization, cultural tourism, quality of place, culture as an economic engine, building cmnty pride, addressing challenges your cmnty faces, and the personal and social devt of youth
so we are there, and you know you are there when you have ppl like Gordon Smith and Michael Audain coming here saying we'll take you to the next level, so I think we shd be only too pleased
b/c of the grassroots efforts in the cmnty
comment here so I won't during Reports
goal to play greater role in region, and we now have a GVRD cultural taskforce, chaired by Max Wyman, I'm part of, as well as Elizabeth Ball, as well as Nancy Duxbury, who's the editor of this
been working with Heritage Canada to see if they can be flexible on some of the money so we can work with nbrs up the corridor, so Sea to Sky cultural plan as well
have attention of Minister Illich on that
it's going; this is simple, first step, to build on the success of the FBG
hope for revitalizing Amb
goal is to give our support so when Amb Town Ctr Plan comes to Ccl in Sept as Ccl V said, we'll have an understanding of the role culture plays, the institutions, the parks...
Cclr Sop you've spoken; am supposed to get special dispensation to speak more than two times, but I'll allow it
Sop: thank you, don't know how frank discussion if can't speak past two times; I don't bring a clock and speak for five minutes
Mayor: we all abide by procedure
Sop: try to
Mayor: thank you
Sop:  ...we're talking millions of dollars
FBG; Silk Purse not mentioned, assume included
[it is, murmurs, in report]
art gallery, but not in the motion
those two are recognized, but next says authorization for concept plan for gallery
what I want to know is what is the cost and what are the priorities
Mayor: that will come
Sop:... refine, and define and cost it
has to come with master plan, not single
won't come about tomorrow without budgeting
this is massive
got to be sensible about what we're going to do first
VV: frankly don't know how to get prioritized order without costs
wd benefit from some costs and integrated plan
this cd be amended to include major art gallery in the Amb Town Ctr
all these other elements.......
not possible to come to a good/final decision
JF: I know it's a priority b/c I have spent hours and hours listening to and meeting with hundreds of ppl
been videotaped by consultants; this is their priority, this is exactly their priority
being done as Ccl directed: go forth and make a strategy, and lo and behold we came forth
wonderful, put in place so everybody can benefit
cmte talked longer and longer --
we want to develop costs; we're asking you for that opportunity
all those ppl who have donated time and expertise -- can't see them wanting to start over again
see with 2010 a golden opp to capitalize biz ctr and an arts ctr worthy of
Mayor: Item no 2
Sop: FBG?
Mayor: as printed
Sop: FBG only not Silk Purse
JF: not true, FBG
Sop: nothing to do with Silk Purse
JF: it might
Sop: what does it mean?
Mayor: 2 acq of prop; 1 xxxx
you're going to have to trust the good work of Cclr Clark and Ferg
Sop: want the motion in front of us
JC: had discussion
VOTE held
Sop, exasperated, opposed
JF: 3
Mayor: vote
Sop: aren't we going to have discussion?
Mayor: thought we had
Sop: specifically FBG, right to use consultants?  costs?
Mayor: if voting against you'd be voting against 3
MS: no costs?
CAO: no funds in budget so wd need vote
JF: 4
[carried unanimously]
Mayor: 5
Mayor: bold step; this is a ten-year plan

{Yes, and it was only provided 'on table', that is at the mtg itself to be passed.  That is NOT public consultation on the final recommendations, is it.}

5.5       2005 Annual Report (File:  0300?01)
CAO: required to report to public; welcome any comments
Sop: 2006?
CAO: just a reflection of goals last year
Mayor: will come back in final form on Thursday?
Sop: we're going to accept some goals we may not accept?
CAO: Ccl has, just reformatting
Sop: have we passed the biz plan for the next three years?
CAO: yes
Mayor: maybe not ev mbr, but passed
JF: enjoyed annual report; found it fascinating but it's long
maybe something in the back pocket a resident
CAO: these are a new req under the Cmnty charter
but can come up with an exec summary
Mayor: thank staff, xxx, and Donna Nomura; this is halfway between last year and what wd be next year
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the 2005 Annual Report be received. 
{If you're interested in DWV's finances, get a copy! or click on agenda item on DWV website.}
5.6       Residents' Concerns:  4895 - 5295 Keith Road (Update)
SJN: wrt Martin lands above them
commissioned engg reports; Martin Corp has taken steps re drainage
tree work was undertaken; some peripheral trees damaged in greenbelt, windblow and drought
have suggested putting up a fund

{who to put up fund???}

to reimburse residents to ease their minds about windthrow in future
refer to residents and bring it back in September and they can come back
we'll go out and visit some homes; heavy rains in spring
            1.         The June 21, 2006 report of the Director of Planning, Lands and Permits Re: "Residents Concerns: 4895-5295 Keith Road (Update)" be received.
            2.         The report be forwarded to residents at those addresses for their information and comment.
{If you've lived here a while you may recall the games played wrt the infamous Caulfeild Land Use Contract, a special way of dealing with the Martin Corp Lands.  Though told Ccl had no say for changes, I discovered Ccl had to approve any change to the greenbelt.  I was on Ccl so was able to bring it to the table.  Don't underestimate the power of developers.  Really difficult to get a map.  The greenbelt was really controversial; they called a special meeting Aug 14th -- no need to have you guess why.  One of the more outrageous claims was made by the surveyor for the developer to the effect that the moss on a rock outcropping was green so it shd be considered part of the greenbelt.  Naturally maximizing building was one of the aims.  Since then the cutting of trees has led to loss of aesthetics of trails and flooding on nearby properties.  I'd like to know who had to pay for the engg reports; glad to hear Martin Corp is 'taking steps re drainage'.  Let's see what happens.  Hope the devpr pays and not the WV taxpayer.}
 5.7       Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4483, 2006
            (Revised July 21, 2006) Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4483, 2006
JF: long awaited, newly revised; receiving this evening
in fall, make suggestions, come forward with brand new ideas
RECOMMENDED: THAT "Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4483, 2006" be introduced and read a first time. + and made available for public comment

{Great we got that instead of all three readings but Sept 11, first ccl mtg after summer break, is not convenient/considerate for residents to be aware of changes or likely to have read it.}

Sop: in the ccl pkg a memo with no date on it marked draft
then received one in mail dated July 21, which is wch?
MClk: posted on website Friday, included draft so available to public with agenda Thursday, revised provided to you
Sop: p 17, 4.51, last sentence "by a peace officer at director of"... Mayor or presiding....
VOICE: typing error
Sop: discretion?
MJClk: at the direction
Mayor: I like item 4.4.4.  For any mbr od CCl to speak more than twice we have to suspend the rules
but cmte of the whole we don't, my judgement with MMgr decide wch ones require that
Cmte of Whole, Amb Plan suited to that, but addressed them this way tonight in attempt to get through agenda before summer break
Sop: I appreciate your flexibility tonight; when more difficult, drop the rules on occasion
I know you were liberal tonight and I don't expect to speak more than a couple items
Mayor: just drawing attention
JC: can suspend
RD: a few things I have [for this]
over the summer, give to clerk, a few things I found
MClk: if first reading this evening, amendments can be proposed at second reading.

{--but it's on the Sept 11 agenda, the first meeting after the summer break.  How many of you will have read it and had time to provide public input???}
6.         BYLAWS  --  Bylaws are passed by a simple majority vote unless otherwise noted. 
6.1       Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 4368, 2004 Amendment Bylaw 4482, 2006
            This Bylaw received third reading at the July 17, 2006 Council Meeting, 2006" -- adopted. 
7.1       REPORTS FOR CONSENT AGENDA  --  7.1.1   Development Applications Status List
8.         OTHER ITEMS  /  8.1       CORRESPONDENCE [full list in previous WVM]
CR, Yours Truly, made her way to the podium in cream with a cream hat, to some chuckles:
Carolanne Reynolds, Chair of the North Shore Heritage Forum --so I'm wearing a different hat tonight!
before I invite you -- there was a lot of work done on the Arts and Culture and Heritage, and we're all very grateful for that, and it was over two or three years, and I heard Ms Chuback say tonight that they even were meeting last week, so they've met up to the end.

{Please note that in answer to enquiries over the last few months, since February, the answers were vague, there were no meetings, there were workshops, but NOTHING ever appeared on the DWV website calendar so that means NO NOTICE to the public.  There are many interested in the waterfront, heritage precinct, plans for FBG, Silk Purse, etc but no way of knowing of meeting, or even of agendas.  At a meeting in the conference room at the Hall, I happened to see the binder for the July 21st Arts/Culture mtg -- but didn't know about it to put in WVM.  Let's hope there'll be more adherence come the start of the new year in September that there will be more openness as promised -- and as I understand, intended.}

I'm here to invite you to the seventh annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea, celebrating our heritage in WV
In particular, a book for us to send greetings to HM Elizabeth II on her 80th birthday
2 - 4pm Sat, July 29th, in Dundarave Park
Ppl are welcome to bring memorabilia for the display table
There'll be bagpipe music, a couple of bagpipers will be there; the bard will drop in to say a few words about Shakespeare, and if you wear a fancy hat, you can win a certificate to buy a hat at Eleanor Mack (milliner in Ambleside).
tix are $5
thank v many
you can make reservations by calling 922 4400, or by writing to reservations@RoyalTea.ca
and I hope, Mayor G-J, and hope all of you will come; hope there will be some official remarks from WV
Mayor: tyvm, we'll see what we can do
CR: tyvm; I'll have some of these dropped off [neon pink flyers]
have a nice summer!
Mayor: thank you, you too.

CBarr: $15m
43 residents; 24 questions; really angry
Sop: staff to work with residents
Mayor: we'll have the questions to help staff
Sop: --
CB: we'd like to know the rules will be consulted
Mayor: of course
CB: despite 100% opposition, Ccl went ahead
very first notice three weeks ago
unaware of last week's vote -- away on holiday; three days' notice
100% against the large scale
without further consultation
willing to compromise, came forth as Field Five as first; wd have had minimum impact
under impression compromise rejected outright
forming a legal org, I am not chair; will fight this plan in its entirety
others facing this overdevt
feel it's been hurried at the expense of the residents
escalating townhall complex was not part of the traffic study
zero traffic past that cul de sac right now
being told from zero cars to 400 cars
-- can ccl tell us...questions re work trucks [route]
Keith Rd is not on the report [in effect saying] okay for you, not for Keith Rd...
nine years ago Esker Lane voted against with 400+
one devt
Oct 26 1988 Ccl also voted down expansion to Unitarian Ch b/c of traffic and that was less than this one
noise and impact studies have not been done; questions from all over nbrhd
removal of gates without notice and two accidents -- police too busy to come
put back?
killed tree
none of this has been studied -- when?
wrt what Cclr VV said -- who really owns the park?
Cricket club; money held in trust
who owns? who donors? names known?
everyone wants to know if fields 1 and 2 approved last week, can they pls involve, inform the residents
Can Ccl pls give residents more than two days' notice?
other clubs using the field?  Ms McLeod told me in the lobby last week that other groups used the field b/c that wasn't us last week
at present there's a standing liquor licence -- times? who keeps profits?
relatives of those in cemetery know this is going on next to them?
artificial fields carcinogenic? have to be replaced every five years or so
1988 spill, re waste under fields, leaching into river; DWV was awaiting test on Capilano River
wd like to see those tests
pose no danger? what protection?
Org: we want answers; will come back in September
Sop: appears--
Mayor: [want to be] open, full, timely, and fair
seem to have let you down on this; certainly there will be full disclosure on this partnership
CAO: to be perfectly clear, all Ccl approved was phase 1 wch was just to raise funds
replace grass fields with turf and lighting and possibly traffic improvements
traffic will be reduced but it will go up again
Bruce McArthur: Coalition to Save Eagleridge Bluffs is still alive
watching construction; don't have total plans
curious about expropriation of lands; maybe we're not getting fair value for lands
powerline relocation required, another ROW requirement
I've heard figures of upwards of $6m given to DWV, hope some funds to acquire equivalent lands
upsetting this will require fragmentation of the wetlands
sign posted that BPP: private lands only, all unauthorized not enter; placed on each side of WV's wetland -- means you can't access WV trails; walked up and took picture
looks like Baden Powell not being reconstituted at Eagleridge, think the contractor has got out of the nice requirement and it's going to save a lot of money by not providing the parking lot that was by the trail and shown in the original mgmt plan
wonder if you know that Peter Kiewit is driving a truck around with detonators and explosives in the same vehicle, drives through Eagleridge, Hwy, Black Mtn trail
don't think it's a good idea but that's what they do; explosives and detonators not safe to drive with both
liaison cmte mtg on Wednesday, I'll be attending; will continue to watch and try to make you all aware.
Mayor: appreciate that, tyvm
Jill McCrae: serve on Arts and Culture Implementation cmte and want to thank Cclr Ferguson for impassioned support of arts, commend Ccl
have many letters of support for vision statement by Gordon Smith and Michael Audain.
Mayor: appreciate that and thank you for your work as well.
ADJOURNED -- one more ccl mtg, Thursday 8:30am.

===  CCL AGENDA Thursday 8:30am July 27th SPECIAL MTG  ===

4.1       Environmental Strategy Progress Report (File:  1015?00)
            1.         The report dated July 4, 2006 ...  be received; and
            2.         Appendix A to the report dated July 4, 2006 titled Environmental Strategy Progress Report, be published on the District webpage and made available for the public at the District Hall and Library.

{Why not do this with changes to the Ccl Procedures???}

4.2       1548 Argyle Avenue - Demolition of Dwelling and Conversion of land to Public Use             RECOMMENDED:  THAT the report dated June 26, 2006 from the Land and Property Agent regarding demolition of the dwelling at 1548 Argyle Avenue and conversion of the land to public use be received.
4.3       Proprietary Transit Shelter Service - [Lions'] Gate North Bridge Head (File:  3295?01)
            1.         Council receive the report from the Manager Roads and Transportation entitled Proprietary Transit Shelter Service - Lions Gate North Bridge Head.
            2.         Council direct staff to enter into negotiations with Pattison Outdoors for the supply, installation and maintenance of three transit shelters in the area of the Lions Gate North Bridge Head for a period of three years after which the program may be re-assessed.

4.4       Rock Blasting for Eagle Lake Membrane Filtration Facility Construction (File:  1815?35)
RECOMMENDED: THAT authority be given to District staff to execute an agreement for rock blasting in preparation for construction of the Eagle Lake Membrane Filtration Facility building.

4.5       Accretions and Natural Boundary Adjustments - Information Update and Proposed Change to Notification Procedure
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the procedure for notifying and responding to accretion and natural boundary adjustment applications under the Land Title Act be amended to discontinue the practice of placing public notices in the newspaper.
{no no no no no no!  Yes, it's a provincial responsibility but the public must be informed!  or we can pretty well kiss the long standing right of the public to the waterfront goodbye.  Are the MLAs listening?  Why not try to let us know unless/until the province's practices are acceptable.  There are many stories of artificially (illegal) accreted land cutting off access.}
4.6       Youth Competition and Recognition Fund Application - Graeme Bant and Gemma Goulder
            1.         Approval be given to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and Recognition Fund in the sum of $200.00 for Graeme Bant  to attend the Canadian National Cycling Championships and the Tour of Abitibi an International race taking place in Quebec.
            2.         Approval be given to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and Recognition Fund in the sum of $100.00 to Gemma Goulder to attend California Cup Field Hockey Festival.
4.7       Youth Competition and Recognition Fund Application - Emily Yamaguchi and Irwin park Destination Imagination Team
            1.         Approval be given to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and Recognition Fund in the sum of $200.00 for Emily Yamaguchi to attend the National Soccer Championships in Edmonton.
            2.         Approval be given to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and Recognition Fund in the sum of $700.00 for Irwin Park Destination Imagination Team to attend the Destination Imagination competition in Knoxville, USA.
4.8       Coho Festival 2006 - Sign Bylaw Exemption (File:  0510?13)
            1.         The report dated July 19, 2006 from the Deputy Director of Parks and Community Services be received;
            2.         Exemption to the Sign Bylaw No. 3775, 1992 be approved for the Coho Festival 2006 being held on Sunday, September 10, 2006.

4.9       Miscellaneous Policy Procedure Changes (File:  0282?01)
            THAT Council approve the miscellaneous policy and procedure changes set out in the report dated July 17, 2006 from the Director of Administrative Services and Manager of Community Planning and bring forward bylaw amendments, where appropriate.

{Is this what the Ccl Procedure Changes item morphed into?  This is what's considered putting something out for public input?  Sent to cmnty groups?  A few days in summer?  C'mon, Ccl, with your commitment to openness and improved process, let's have a presentation on the changes/improvements and welcome resident comment.  This got approved at this mtg -- 8:30 am on a Thursday morning after thought ccl mtgs were over.  Ccl cd hv done better than that!  And if you're going to argue minor, then reassure us with list of minor items.  Don't leave us wondering!}
5.1.1          West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service Agreement
RECOMMENDED: THAT the WV Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service Agreement and License to Occupy dated June 07, 2004 be received for information.
5.1.2          Rezoning and Development Permit Application 06?034 (Collingwood School Wentworth Campus)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Council Information Report from the Community Planner titled, Rezoning and Development Permit Application 06-034 (Collingwood School Wentworth Campus) be received.
5.1.3          Development Permit Application No. 06?036, 2533 Garden Court (Lot 23); and Development Permit Application No. 06?037, 2563 Garden Court (Lot 15)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Council Information Report from the Manager, Community Planning dated July 14, 2006 ... be received.
6.         OTHER ITEMS
* Action Required
6.1.1          J. Peterson, July 10, 2006, regarding Eagleridge Noise (File:  1603?12)
                  Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
6.1.2         S. Vennesland, July 23, 2006, regarding 3-minute time limit for speakers during Council Meetings
                   Referred to Director of Administrative Services for consideration and response.      M. Crombie, Executive Director, British Columbia Paraplegic Association, July 24, 2006, regarding Harmony Arts Festival and wheelchair accessible parking spaces
                 Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
* No Action Required (receipt only)
            6.1.3         C. Taylor, Minister, Ministry of Finance, June 22, 2006, regarding Home Owner Grant (HOG) Program
            6.1.4         A. Dinwoodie, Chair, Union of British Columbia Nominating Committee, July 21, 2006, regarding executive nominations
            6.1.5         J. Anderson, Deputy Corporate Officer, Regional District of North Okanagan, July 20, 2006, regarding 2006 UBCM Convention - Restrict Staking of Mineral Claims on Private property and Impacts on Water Quality of Mineral Exploration in Watersheds
* Responses to Correspondence
6.1.6         B. A. Dozzi, Manager, Roads and Transportation, July 19, 2006, to N. Coates regarding Traffic Calming on Gordon Avenue, 21st Street and 22nd Street (File:  1805?14)
* Responses to Questions in Question Period --  No items presented.
9.         ADJOURNMENT

===  NEW WORDS (Geekese)  ===

Well, I told you about approximeeting and framily a while ago and also blook.

Here's another new one, courtesy of Michael Quinion's World Wide Words:
There's no end to the number of weird and vaguely repellent terms invented by online communities. This one is a combination of "spam" and "blog". The term is a little confused at the moment -- some writers use it to refer to unsolicited and automated postings to a Web log, whose purpose is solely to sell a product (so they're the exact equivalent of e-mail spam); others use it for entirely fake blogging sites whose real purpose is to trick people into visiting them and so exposing them to advertising, for which the splogger gets paid.

===  HAIKU / Politi-ku  ===

***  2006 July 20
As I learned during a cultural exchange between UBC/Stanford and Keio University in Tokyo, Keio's motto is: The pen is mightier than the sword.  It comes to mind with current events.
Some weeks ago I wrote a "polit-ku" (below) in reaction to a Le Monde diplomatique (LMD) article (ie, before war in Lebanon, so theoretical/philosophical).
As one of the three commentators on CNN's Lou Dobbs (Kipper) has just said in discussing Israel's bombing of Lebanon under the guise of getting rid of Hezbollah (replacing getting two kidnapped soldiers back without negotiation wch done in the past -- looks like both sides miscalculated), you cannot bomb an idea.  I find it strange that some apparently don't realize bombing often makes them angry or defiant, often steels some people's resolve, can be counterproductive and make things worse.

        you cannot bomb a feeling,
                        an idea, or hope --
                                you feed them instead

***  2006 May 31   thoughts reading LMD about suicide bombers

                ideas planted in minds
                        much more explosive,
                                far-reaching than bombs
***  2006 August 10

                        meets fundamentalism --
                                        violent vortex

===  QUOTATIONS  ===

Ink is handicapped, in a way, because you can blow up a man with gunpowder in half a second, while it may take twenty years to blow him up with a book. But the gunpowder destroys itself along with its victim, while a book can keep on exploding for centuries.
                -- Christopher Morley, writer (1890-1957)

-- Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), in Julius Caesar, Scene III, Brutus says:
                        And waving our red weapons o'er our heads,
                        Let's all cry, 'Peace, freedom, and liberty!'

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
                -- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

-- Arnold Lobel (1933-1987) during his distinguished career wrote and/or illustrated over 70 books for children. To his illustrating credit, he had a Caldecott Medal book and two Caldecott Hono(u)r Books.
"When the need is strong, there are those who will believe anything."