Mar 12 NOTES
Calendar to Mar 29th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Enjoy the break and spring bursting to bud, bud, bud!
= No Ccl Mtg Mar 19, next is 26th
= Vive le Canada; CULTUREWATCH; Calendar to Mar 29th (ADRA Amb mtg Mar 28, Budget 2007 Mar 29); Ccl Mtg NOTES Mar 12 (BUDGET 2007 PRESENTATION; DRAFT POLICIES: Partnership and Sponsorship, Public Amenity Contribution; Gleneagles Golf Course Building Options; Town Hall mtg re 2007 Budget Mar 29); Squamish Sculpture; Maiku; Quotations

* HERITAGE -- Help preserve/maintain Pt Atkinson Lighthouse (plus 71 other heritage lighthouses in Canada) by getting House of Commons to pass Bill S220.


o  Forgot to mention I'd never seen a soprano at an opera do a cartwheel, but indeed beautifully done at Vancouver Opera's recent Ariadne!
o  See The Dream Healer event at the Silk Purse Mar 29 (below)
o  An unusual approach to Verdi's La Traviata:  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xp7vr_verdi-traviata-choeur-bohemiens

More gaps in the ccl notes b/c I was captivated reading Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Imperial Life in the Emerald City -- fact and schadenfreudenly funny; but ultimately shocking and sad.  The Washington Post journalist spent time in the Green Zone during Bremer's tenure.  We'd seen the author interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show and it only touched on a few unbelievable points -- a 24-year-old sent to set up the stock exchange, people being hired if they were pro-life and
Republican (counting more than competence or experience in the field).  Keep in mind these interactions represent how Iraqis see us, the West, the superior all-powerful ones teaching them how to govern better.
o  Humour: Apple Computers and Iraq -- http://youtube.com/?v=PuEDwcfJPSk
o  Technology: Morse Code or text? -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zkbyDvc3FQ
o  New on DWV Website: Capilano Rugby Football Club (Proposed Lease) -- Details of a proposed agreement with the Capilano Rugby Football Club.  See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5001&c=691

===  INFObits
= STOCKWATCH -- Halliburton's shares were about $10 four years ago at start of Iraq war; now over $35.
Here is the description of the interview from the CBC website:
A legal battle over the firing of WV's Chief Constable by the police board is under way and Scott Armstrong's lawyer Murray Tevlin gives us the details.  Listen to this interview.1icon_audio.gif (runs 8:37)
Here is the link to the CBC interview:
> Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel
The Panel will consider complaints against the Parcel Tax Assessment Roll on March 28, 11 am at Municipal Hall
>  Cycling Network and Greenway Plan
West Vancouver's Official Community Plan and Environmental Strategy support shifting transportation choices away from the automobile and encouraging more cycling. To that end, the WV Cycling Committee, together with cycling advocates, have been working on the West Vancouver Cycling Network and Greenway Plan.  An Open House was held February 28th. Find out more about the Plan below and let us know what you think.
More Information:  See  Map  / = ; Presentation
What do you think?    *      Fill out a questionnaire. For more information call 925 7157.

===  CALENDAR to March 17th to 29th&nbs= p; ===  [all at M Hall unless otherwise noted]
Fri 7 - 9pm Mar 16 ~ Owl Prowl in Lighthouse Park -- Ted Williams, who works with the Orphaned Wildlife Sanctuary in Ladner.
Happy St Patrick's Day!
===  Sat Mar 17  ~ 2 - 3:30pm ~ Sculpture Dedication Ceremony (Ambleside Park)
The official unveiling and dedication of Sna7m Sm=E1nit (Spirit of the Mountain, pronounced Snah-um Smah-nate) at the entrance to Ch'tl'am (Ambleside Park). After the ceremony, enjoy live entertainment, kids' activities, displays of the sculpture in the making -- and take home a special keepsake.

+++   NO DWV Ccl Mtg Monday Mar 19   +++

The Festival will launch with a Short Story Contest on March 19. Write a short-short story (max.250 words) that includes the three words: coyote, braid, and blanch, and win a $100 gift certificate to 32 Books.   Submit your entry to any North Shore library by Tuesday, April 10 or electronically to writingcontest@cnv.org, include your name, address and phone number. Winner will be announced Sunday, April 22.

===  Tues Mar 20
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Opening Reception -- Historic & Contemporary Squamish and Coast Salish Art
Stit=FAyntm (stee-TOY-in-tum): Enduring Traditions Exhibit -- Mar 20 - Aug 31 at WV Museum
Enduring Traditions explores the artistic expression of the Squamish people who utilize unique Coast Salish design elements and composition to create striking  masterworks. The exhibition brings together historic and contemporary objects and images and offers an opportunity to appreciate treasured objects, some on public display for the first time.  Info: 925 7295; www.wvculturalcapital.blogspot.com
~ 7:30pm ~ WRA Mtg -- Gleneagles Recreation Ctr Lobby
Stephen Mikicich, Senior Community Planner for the DWV, has agreed to be our guest speaker this Tuesday night.  Stephen is planning to review the changes which are being proposed for the Heritage plan (implemented in June 2006), explain about the Community Heritage Register, and discuss just what constitutes a heritage site.   Look on the District's website for more information about the new Heritage plan:  http://www.westvancouver.net/article.asp?c=898&a=4306

===  Wed Mar 21 at 7pm: Bd of Variance at MHall and Library Bd at the Library

===  Thurs Mar 22 -- Police Bd mtg postponed to March 29; NOTE: the Rodgers Creek Area Working Group (walkabout from Worksyard BEFOREHAND)  mtg at 5:30 at Hall (neither on DWV website!); call 925 7000 to verify.

===  Fri Mar 23 at the Library:
~ 10:30am - 12:30pm ~ PHILOSOPHERS' CAF=C9: "Eyes on the Nobel Peace Prize"
A look at how the Prize is awarded and rank some of the past and potential recipients. Admission $5.
~ 7:30pm ~ CONCERT An eclectic evening of Klezmer, Yiddish bebop, Gypsy funk, and Balkan blues with Olam. Seating is limited so come early! Doors open at 7pm.

===  Sat Mar 24 ~ 9am Ivy Pull at Lighthouse Park

+++  AT THE SILK PURSE -- March 13 - 25
"The Persian Garden"  In conjunction with the Ferry Building Gallery, The WV Memorial Library, and the Seymour Gallery the Silk Purse celebrates "IRAN: The Art of a Culture" featuring the watercolours and mixed-media art of North Shore artist Fariba Dashtaray.

=  IRAN -- A Celebration of Art & Culture -- March 2 - 25
Mixed Media by Dr. Houshang Seyhoun, Leila Amin, Ramin Jamalpour, & Neda Navid

=  THE GALLERY AT THE LIBRARY PRESENTS=8A  Iran: The Art of a Culture March 1 - 23
Works by Niloofar Abedi, Goga Bayat, Pooneh Erfat, Shahla Homayouni and Nurieh Mozafarri.
~ 10:30 - 12:30pm ~ A reading and discussion of James Joyce's "Ulysses". Tuesday, March 20
Sign-up begins March 1. Phone 925 7408 to register for these free programs.
* FULL OF BEANS (Ages 6-9)
~ 2 - 3pm ~ Tuesday, March 20  An action-packed hour of fun with school yard games, clapping songs & skipping rhymes.

+++  Check out www.kaymeekcentre.ca for events at KMC!


=== Tues Mar 27
~ 6 - 8pm ~ OPENING RECEPTION at FBG for Contemporary Treasures Exhibition (to April 15)
The Ferry Building Gallery is honoured to present a curated mixed media exhibition of works by prominent Squamish Nation artists. Also featured are artworks from the spirit Gallery in Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver. Tel 925 7290.
Artists' Talk: March 31 Sat 2pm

=== 7pm Wed Mar 28
ADRA mtg at Library re Ambleside Town Ctr Strategy (presentation by staff, cclrs present to listen to questions and answers); WV Historical Society mtg at Srs' Ctr, speaker Les Strike: "The History of Scouting in WV".

=== Thurs Mar 29
~ 3:30 - 7:30pm ~ Design Review Mtg
~ 4:30 - 6:30pm ~ Town Hall Mtg re 2007 BUDGET
~ 5 - 7pm ~ NSACDI at DNV M Hall
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Police Bd Mtg in Police Boardroom --> MOVED to Ch of Commerce Boardroom
~ 7pm ~ Understand the Cmnty Services Working Group will meet at the Hall but not on the DWV website.
~ 7:30pm ~ The Silk Purse will present highlights of The Dream Healer performed by members of the UBC Opera Ensemble.  Both Lloyd Burritt (composer) and Don Mowatt (librettist) will be present.  Tix $10; call 925 7292
On March 29, the Conservation Section of Nature Vancouver will host a forum on the current state of BC's provincial parks.  Guest speakers will be Derek Thompson, a former Deputy Minister for
Ministry of Environment and a member of the Parks Elders Council; Scott Benton, Executive Director for Parks & Protected Areas, Ministry of Environment; and Ben West, a former Green Party candidate and the organizer of the 2006 BC Park Lovers Tour.
The Forum will be held in the Parish Hall of St. Mary's Kerrisdale, 2490 West 37th Avenue (at Larch), Vancouver (the regular meeting place of the Birding Section).  We are pleased that these three knowledgeable speakers have agreed to give their views, answer questions, and debate the future direction for BC Parks.

======== = CCL CMTE of the WHOLE NOTES Mar 12th  ========
Please note that the 'transcript' is typed while the mtg is in progress and ppl speaking.   Names are best guesses, and obviously there are gaps.  As ever, letters welcome especially clarification and further information. To get the full discussion at ccl mtgs, the whole mtg can be watched on the DWV website; for the reports they can be clicked on from the agenda on the DWV website; for Budget 2007 information, that's available from the Finance Dept (also the Library and on website); for info, pls call 925 7000.

Mayor in France, on holiday till Mar 26, announced by Acting Mayor Ferguson
1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA -- Approval of March 12, 2007 Committee of the Whole Agenda
Mayor: may I have a motion pls to approve the agenda
RD: I move be approved as circulated.
SSch, MClk: Madam Mayor, was there, did that include a motion to defer items 8 and 9 to March 26th?
Mayor: [motion] to defer item 8 and item 9 to the next regular ccl mtg, March 26th?
RD: okay, I so move, Madam Mayor
[seconder: think it was Sop, cd hv bn Clark]
Mayor: Seconded.  All in favour? opposed? Motion carries.

This is absolutely incredible. 
And unprecedented. 
It's one thing to remove Reports from Council (item 8), that's their decision, but in over 20 years of ccl mtgs, input from the public (PQP, in this case item 9) has never ever been removed from the agenda at the very beginning of the mtg.  In fact, after public input was changed from the beginning of the meeting to the end, the informal understanding with Mayor Ron Wood -- wch he faithfully honoured -- was to stop the mtg 15 minutes before 10pm (the deadline beyond wch unanimous approval is required) and ask if anyone wanted to speak, before continuing the mtg.  It's one thing to run out of time, and note that can be avoided as pointed out, but it's quite another to cancel public input altogether -- and in advance when there very well might be plenty of time.
The examples of closed meetings and exclusion of residents this year boggles the mind, especially when you recall campaigns were on openness and transparency.
Since the meeting I've spoken with some councillors and they've claimed they weren't paying attention or weren't aware the Public Question Period was being cancelled.
Then whose idea was it?
And obviously confident it cd be snuck past the majority of councillors.
Not a pretty picture.
Two gentlemen at the end of the mtg were taken aback at being refused permission to speak, having waited patiently familiar with the policy -- and it was before 10pm.
Who on Ccl will lead the way for provision at every meeting (whether called a Cmte of the Whole or a Regular/Special Meeting of Council) have a portion for public input?  Make it a policy!
What are they afraid of that a resident might say?
and why?}

2.         2007 Budget Presentation

MS: am I moving this budget presentation before it actually is presented ?
Mayor: thought you might want to say something before we turn it over to staff.
MS: it gives me great pleasure to ask Mr Laing and Mr Stuart to present out 2007 annual budget.
RL: first draft of a proposed budget
fiscal sustainability; consistent with WV biz plan; follow on work of Task Force
priorities; user fees; adjustments, reduction to rec subsidies; start to report subsidies
new emphasis on partnerships; reviewing all areas establishing targets
M assets with view to redeployment
comprehensive ten-year capital plan
cyclical deptal reviews; proposed two-year prog
recognizing under time constraints to dev budget in this transition year
Fin & Audit Cmte, apptmt of three residents, they'll be guiding
more comprehensive doc this time, linking to Task Force recommendations
encourage cmnty dialogue through townhall format
establishing an on-line cmnty forum to solicit cmnty input
setting of target tax rate -- staff met with Fin&Audit Cmte, endorsed approach with year-end increase in CPI and that was 2%, ........ to .... some public safety adjustments -- Police EComm and Fire Dept
also agreed recognition of tax losses wrt BC Ferry -- retroactive for three years 3/8????%
we come up with just under 3% -- 2.95%
had an add'l mtg with Fin&Audit, some things carried for some years so proposal an allowance of half a per cent to determine what those charges are
we're recommending 3.5% increase for 2007
services and deliveries -- in biz plan
generally speaking, preserves 2006 service levels but doesn't include ....safety
Task Force re phased......
Docs as of this afternoon is available on the DWV website, tomorrow at Library and Finance counter
do have prelim five- and ten-year capital plans but need further refinement -- partnerships, sponsorships policies will have an impact on sections in those five-year plans
tabling five-year plan probably mid next week
now to deptal presentations, first division is Administration:
* ADMINISTRATION (Rick Beauchamp)
% change  -2.85%; main adjustment is SPCA contract transfer to .....$100K?
23.8 FTEs
Goals and Major Projects
Bylaw and Licensing [wrong on slide] Services
Legislative Services
$2,250 cost for each Tidings
eight grow-op busts in 2006
hoping to secure more film shoots, boost for the economy
successful adjudication prog -- savings in staff time and prosecution costs
website: explore and select new content mgmt system, redesign will req staff training for e-delivery
cmnty survey will be one of the key projects along with completion of visitor survey
NSh-shared services
implementation of information mgmt plan, challenge of merging systems; cross-dept team
expanded e-service delivery and new info technology
despite ..... volume of paper not reducing hope to by 50%
hope to fill archive vacancy, stiff competition, records and info analysts
continue to improve Sq Nation relationship; hope to conclude some by 2007
bylaw and licensing -- calls exceed up 60?% staff?
parking enforcement, animal control -- dept requesting two temp bylaw ofcrs, cost-recovery basis
communication requests unpredictable; need for e-service solns, more reqmts
Cmnty Engagement requires more resources, halftime assistant for graphic design, ?????  .8 to full-time complement
inhouse most cost-effective, savings of up to 50%
supporting projects such as arts and culture, parks initiatives, current ccl mtg on-line streaming
.5 FTE req for ??? a statutory reqmt
volume and scope of FOI requests unpredictable, seen an acceleration in both these areas, esp in the complex, particularly staff hours, projects???? delayed
JF: D/Finance, after each dept or overall?
RL: overall
Sop: if.....specifically presenting to get out to public; will be coming back to us?
JF: thought you might want some points clarified
CAO: this is an opp to provide this to public and Ccl; townhall mtg will have questions; then back to Ccl to set some directions
Finance; IT; Purchasing and Risk Mgmt
Finance: acctg and fin reporting, planning, taxes/utilities, A/P; central cashier operation
IT: manages IT infrastructure......
Purchasing and Risk Mgmt: diverse range -- insurance, mgmt of stores, centralized print -- charged out to depts; operates Worksyard eg.charge to Engg; mgmt of M Hall
$4.8M net; 3.8
6.8% increase over 2006
reallocation of 1.6 FTEs from Library.....
proportion 6%; just over 35 ppl
Goals and Major Projects:
Fiscal Sustainability; final phase of water-metering, quarterly billing; IT e-services strategy -- longterm blueprint
Issues and Challenges: issue of capacity; staffing and resources review how we do things
no doubt add'l staffing will be required, only question is if in position to respond to this
given a little more freedom to design, so a bit more colour
gross expenditures $15.3M after revenue, $8.3M; 23.43% of gross budget fig
cost the cmnty about $187 per capita
FTEs 160 plus about 200 rec instructors
[slide with charts]
net cost has been relatively stable about 3% increase in net, as open new facilities have recovered or gone beyond
recovers about 60%, Aq ctr recovers almost 80%
Goals and Major Projects
Civic Site Cmnty Ctr, finalize rec review; fiscal sustainability priorities, Lighthouse Park mgmt plan, old growth Forest Plan Conservancy and Society, Hollyburn cabins, Arts and Culture Planning, social services reviews, donation/sponsorship/naming policy
Squamish Sculpture -- opening this Sat in Amb Park
Variety of roles: maintain all public beaches (not Engg)
last year 500 bear calls!
first attack firefighting -- [pointing to slide] tree on right hit by lightning
maintain trails and bridges; seawalk at Clovelly, salvaged logs processed by our own sawmill on site
Cemetery (various areas, veterans, etc) and Golf (replace golf service bldg, eventual upgrading of Great Hall) sep biz units
Olympics -- more involved with; working with NSh Spirit Cmte; Spirit Festival; volunteer and hosting prog; more as we approach 2010, working on Hollyburn Lodge
[slide with chart re new revenues; will be bringing back]
Detailed planning of new Cmnty Ctr; how work with Vanc Coastal Health and WV Y Band; new Working Group -- a change in governance, see involving citizens much more
Youth Cmnty Enggmt prog $71.7K -- one-time basis
Cultural initiatives $89.2K -- Harmony Arts Festival, Cmnty Day, etc one-time basis
Agreement Cultural Capitals of Canada $50K -- movement of funding from one budget year to next
* HUMAN RESOURCES & PAYROLL SERVICES --  Susan Ney? (name not given, but I recognized her)
....$1.02M; 1.57% ;increase over 2006, 5.46% increase,exempt compensation review
collective bargaining -- five of six come due in 2007
WVPD and WVFD contracts expired in 2006
DWV workers, WVML end of 2007......
Took a look at New Employee Orientation -- realized in place not working so will be relaunching as a modular prog, so attend those relevant to their position
employee recognition prog relaunching -- those who go above and beyond, applaud exemplary ... and achievement, called Take a Bow
reviewed corporate training, from staff input revising
work with other ......  offer vacant seats so broader opportunity
"branding": you've heard Rick talk about challenge wrt archivist position, ...... not able to hire with skills required; fabulous opp working for local govt, advertise how exciting it is
engaged in prog to help brand
changes to website so recruit friendlier
feeling pressure, not alone, growing challenge in a number of areas
own demographic realities av age 43.2 years; ....... retired, 30 left for othtr reasons
av age of retirement is 58.4 years
firefighters retire (average) at 54, uniformed police at 50
more ads, broader search, increased recruitment costs
25% over budget for line advertising and seeing similar challenge; our budget cannot .. increase
* FIRE AND RESCUE (Fire Chief Oates)
$25K revenue in fines and permits
105 FTEs, 95 ..... rest -- ...... finance and clerical
Goals and Major Projects
master fire plan; formal report delivered to Ccl ten days ago
relocation of dispatch equipment
notice from ????? now with Surrey since Nov 28; still a lot of radio equipment an NV firehall -- not easy, eq has to stay in service during move
emergency planning for all M employees; work with NSh Emergency .....
ongoing fire training for M employees
looking for alternative water supplies in case of catastrophe -- pumps for fire dept water
inadequate.....  not proper training....
planning for 2010 Olympics
Main challenges: overtime continues to be a problem, can't provide service with current funding will try to work re collective agrmt re flexibility
since I joined 29 years, just needed ....... now have to have [lists training courses]
some of this training requires sending off site
fleet maintenance but have problem when extraordinary repair -- out to contractor for two weeks, won't be able to in budget....
* POLICE SERVICES (Acting Police Chief Barry Nickerson)
Chair sends regrets, Nancy Farran ill and sends regrets
in accordance with ......
$10.7M within target provided by ......
increase two components: contractual staff .....; transition to wide-area radio system
will continue to provide highest...... residents and those who visit
continue wrt E-Comm
working to est a NSh aboriginal policing unit, WVPD and RCMP -- crime, illegal drugs....
prep for 2010 Olympics
urban policing
working to enhance cmnty trust, accountability...
Human Resource practices, recruit and maintain
- increasing crime rates in nbring jurisdictions
- enhancing use of current technology
- balancing.....
- enhancing partnership and collaboration
board has ...  and met with Fin&Audt Cmte
recommend this budget; allow us to ensure WV continues to be the safest in the L Mainland
my third budget; thought I'd try to compete with colleague KPike, but gave up
now he has pictures -- of cute bears and now bridges!
Engg deals with maintenance of stuff that keeps cmnty going
asset mgmt progs
corporate GIS -- you'll see from Parks & Services, but come from our ? Engg Tech staff
road repairs; this group deals with third-party groups -- for dvprs completely cost-recovered
garbage and recycling
WV Transit Service -- managed and operated by WV, costs completely recovered from TransLink
budget $18M, almost $10M for transit so net budget, $2.8M
126 employees; large number wrt transit -- 90
Goals and major projects
Almondel Bridge -- design and demolition; had to close but opened for pedestrians and cyclists
Cedardale and Ridgeview Elementary schools
much of MDr -- bet 13th and 19, Bellevue, Clyde -- light standards.....
Spirit Trail applied for funding -- cycling network, greenway plan
Emergency Planning
Issues and Challenges
challenging to operate within our budget; our inventory has grown; ageing structure
global warming -- we've seen our share of extreme weather, challenging our budget
vegetation control-- moved away from chemical control, time-consuming and expensive; sightlines
demand from cmnty increasing; trying to control how streets used; 21st Street example but currently don't have funding so will have to look at deferring
strategic Transportation Plan I am concerned about -- MDr and TWay; req good understanding of our network and how fits in with NSh
some slides on utilities -- water and sewer; package went to Ccl, add'l info av; full user pay
Goals and Major Projects
looking to sustainable asset mgmt plan for utilities
benchmarking performance -- how we compare with other cmnties
membrane treatment plant construction (photos)
universal metering -- we'll have to monitor, v little info to est rates in first place, want to make sure we did a good job, mbrs of cmtny paying reasonable amt
land devt, Rodgers Creek
increasing standards being imposed -- staff, leads to certification staff have to get; has to do with staff retention and recruitment; have some vacancies right now; not getting many at all and not with qualifications; construction firms can pay much higher rates than we can
$2.9M, after recoveries $400K
Goals and Major Projects
integrating sustainability principles
effective involvement of working groups, quite a number this year, Amb, Housing, ULands
Amb Town Ctr Strategy
Ev Dr Master Plan
Rodgers Crk Area Devt Plan over 200 acres
Cmnty Heritage Register
Cmnty Dialogue on Nbrhd Character and Housing
transition to a new director -- happy identified as a challenge
I will be moving out -- next month or two; will have associate position to help new director and some projects need to be done in this term
high level of construction
juggler -- not my new job, represents
Ccl has taken on a lot of new projects -- completed within term of this Ccl -- major challenge
* LIBRARY  (Ann Goodhart, Chief Librarian -- Nope! she wasn't there)
Sheryll MacGregor, Acting, joined by chair of Lib Bd Harry Greenwood
$3.4M  1.38% increase over 2006
revenues of $500K net, $2M...
expenditures going to: launch new website
collections, outreach, circulation systems, research and info, facility itself
Goals and Major Projects
have just launched our new website, promotional campaign for more to use it
promote lib service through increased communication
devp plans for implementation of RFD
continue to work on elements of strategic plan
work with Dist more access to Archives
patron surveys
Issues and challenges
2006 - 2010 Strategic Plan -- all involved, takes time
library bldg beginning to show its growing age
keeping it clean and repair, hard work from maintenance staff
heavily used by public, a lot of cleaning required
changing patterns of use; need to examine how ppl are using our services and where we need to adjust
> RL: that concludes, gearing up for townhall mtg next week
Sop: congratulate staff on presentation; seems to be unfolding with more info this year
9 out of 57 recommendations from Financial Task Force
wd it raise your blood pressure if I said 2.95% not acceptable?
heard, not suff funds for maintenance, service levels, reqmts, staff participation
if we look at a corp biz plan at beginning of three-year term, and if depts, .... and foster explosion of bureaucracy, we'll never get a handle on that
core review -- going to increase b/c of wage demands
were still going to maintain excellence in what we do
are we biting off too much, so ....  forevermore
even if we look at initiatives to raise more money
looking at two tonight, but wrought with costs to bring about
if looking at this re sustainability in future, are we truly on the move
next year
don't want to get into detail
JF: you're making some interesting presumptions
Sop: that's what I'm here for
JF: not to debate; too early
wrt final outcome of budget
Sop: not for you to say
JF: it IS for me to say
MS: I didn't realize we were here to debate this budget
intent was to introduce to public to have a few days, weeks....
where more or less money spent
that dialogue/debate over days ahead; now we shd receive
as Cclr Sop pointed out more detailed, thank them
need to receive, put out to public and move on with public mtg for taxpayers to have input
JF: move?
VV: just a little disappointed b/c I've seen such an effort by all divisions to....
to look for solutions for ever-increasing
...not better reward for the effort
Task Force taken....
still looking at 3%; hope it's a number that can be worked on

3.         Draft Partnership and Sponsorship Policy
the Draft Partnership and Sponsorship Policy and Procedure be received for information and provided for public comment during the 2007 budget review process.
KP: looking at a policy and procedure; already have a donations policy but not in the detail we have here
give us a chance during the budget discussions
Sop: guess a couple of areas we can develop
always been conservative, a bit diff from other Ms; not jump on naming names
have some examples, accepted dollars, Kay Meek Ctr, summertime Odlum Brown, commemorative and wonderful WV Fdn that receives contributions along the way.
stand behind a proposal.........
where going, from public, even a questionnaire
in negotiations, staff and/or volunteers will .....  and only those rejected wd come to Ccl
wd volunteers be working on contracts?
and then the expectations of all that?
CAO: perhaps all
Sop: 1.3: under term of use of WV's name
some commercial entities will not normally be?   access.... properly?
access to agencies?
special events?
some requests; no area for protection of District's name; seems it's an open door
allow certain commercial interests; some may have T-shirts made; this has to go before the public
go into a money deal -- sponsorship, may increase our revenues
JF: as you see by the motion that's what we're doing
CAO: we've been doing sponsorships ?  of  ????  for decades
how to do this
less reliant on taxation, explore other alternatives
explicit purpose brought before Ccl, point out brought,..... Task Force recommendation is to give Ccl and Cmnty something to consider
will cmnty accept this, the question that needs to be asked; putting it out to public
cmnty better able to support
4.         Draft Public Amenity Contribution Policy
            1.         The report from the Sr. Community Planner dated February 27, 2007 be received;
            2.         The Draft Public Amenity Contribution Policy be made available for public information and comment for approximately one month, as outlined in Section 3.5 of the report from the Sr. Community Planner dated February 27, 2007; and
            3.         Staff report back on public comment, for further consideration in late April 2007.
SJN: being put forward for public comment
something M has been doing for 20, 30, 40 years
this attempts to identify, so know in advance; other Ms do this
policy in the Upper Lands will be different from policy in Ambleside
based on concept of percentage of increase over base density
rezoning, or bonusing, public itself wd hv .... in area surrounding; cmnty at a whole
in Upper Lands, more complex negotiation, complete cmnties, in greenfield conditions; park lands, cmnty school sites required; has gone through various advisory bodies
Sop: we asked to have this policy brought forth some time ago
hope some clarification when it goes to the public
the comparison sheet gives an indicator of diff parts of LMainland; a bit of trouble with -- ? have devt needs, but Madam Mayor --- what it truly means to have a lift; benefits to the cmnty
{This is the Cmnty Benefits Policy, by another name.
Here I think Sop's referring to uplift -- the increase in the value of property with changed zoning}
based on bonus density .... have not est'd that density; will through that process
then down to contribution rate.. land value but haven't given......
a lot of ppl don't truly understand what this means; public has to be aware of.... and details...effect on character and Amb as we want to see it in future
almost 50% increase in bonus going to three storeys
create uplifts we're going to get certain portions of
monies? what are we going to use them from? getting back?
CAO: this is a policy that in no way compels upzoning, just ensures cmnty recaptures benefits
recent policies in place and Ccl in control
Sop: we haven't done the bonus density yet?
JF: are you speaking wrt the Amb Revit? b/c this is a policy for any rezoning that comes to us
Sop: reads..... as it says for example Amb
JF: it says for example
Sop: character
JF: this is a policy that will stand on its own
CAO: maybe this will help Cclr Sop; if "Ccl does nothing, policy will pertain"
still Ccl decision
if Ccl chooses to create zoning diff, capture
JF: provides Ccl with the tools
VV: I see 75% lift in land value and simple equation
[cites formula] as xxx  equals gross increase minus servicing costs, xxx
hasn't been justified to me why not begin with 100% of land value
b/c created by land zoning
......outside of 75% can accept report
CAO: again this is a draft policy
with any rationale.....   been selected or included in the policy itself
75 vs 100%, at a certain point create a disincentive and not to cmnty advantage....
JF:.....public comment ......lots of opp to debate this draft policy

AT LAST -- we're on the threshold!
This has been years, years, years making its way through the system, slower than a snail navigating uphill molasses in January.
I persevered even after told, when I asked to have the figures on the increase in value to the owner/applicant/devpr so we cd get some of that back for WV residents, the owners of the density rights after all, I was told by former Mayor Ron Wood and even by Dir/Planning that such an increase was 'hypothetical' or not available or conjecture.  Then I got figures and statistics from the City of Vancouver -- they usually get 65% of what they call the 'uplift' and were quite pleased with themselves that they'd just concluded a deal in wch the City got 98% (well, I think it was worth something huge like $100M so that still gave the devpr a boost of $2M)
So now, Dear Readers, Dear WV Residents, tell Council what you think the citizens, expressing the will and best interests of the cmnty theoretically in control of zoning plans through Ccl, shd get in return for changing density/zoning increasing the value of their property.
Just so you know, I've also advocated that WV residents put together a list of things they'd like to see so there's no shortage of options for staff, the applicant, Ccl to choose from as timing and circumstances and needs occur.}

5.         Gleneagles Golf Course:  Building Options
            1.         A design and building process for a new Golf Customer Services building be developed on the location of the current clubhouse structures, including public washrooms, golf club meeting space, a Caf=E9/Bistro and a Pro Shop, to a target construction cost of $1,000,000.00.
            2.         In partnership with the Western Residents Association, staff explore Community Heritage grants, donations and other cooperative funding opportunities that could enable the conservation and restoration of the "Great Hall".
            3.         In partnership with the Gleneagles Golf Club and related golf user groups, staff formulate a strategic golf course operations & capital plan that will ensure sustained improvement of the Gleneagles Golf Course.
[Correspondence List in favour of retention of Great Hall]

CAO: was prepared while I was on vacation
slight rewording to....xxxxx
how particular aspects of this cd proceed
at end of No 1 -- funded from Golf Course revenue
clarify we're looking at funding of the cust services, as a utility
wd free up $850K capital wch  for Great Hall -- apply that to Great Hall
hope that clarifies the intent

{Most unusual and took us by surprise, but hopeful; the CAO has reworded the recommended motion printed on the script cclrs have for them to make motions; that's why some explanation needed and many signed up to speak cdn't read their scripts!}

RD: so you mean $1M from [golf course revenues]....so cd borrow [against that]
current washrooms, option of borrowing
then reserve reserve funds for panabode?
CAO: we currently have [hundreds of thousands of dollars each year as revenue] from the Golf Course, goes into Park [general funds]
losing b/c haven't had restaurant open
create a plan to borrow...... instead of relying on capital fund, transfer to Great Hall
JF: Bruce McDonald
=83 BMcA: Bruce McArthur
JF: must clean my glasses
BMcA: still trying to digest [new motion]
read report from Doug Leavers with dismay
refer to a Ccl mtg of Jan 16, believe date wrong, Jan 22....
disappointed [thought] a cmte of all stakeholders but appears park staff to meet separately with WRA and Golf Group
desire to participate
a clearer def required; a better definition of Grt Hall
Golf Club mtg room has exceeded the purpose of the mtg on Jan 22
too wide a range from $2M up to ???????
these soft costs need to be better defined
A comment re lack of resources
I see 2006 [golf] rev from website as $1.6M a 6% increase over prev year, so $800K
cause of deterioration was a decision not to maintain, using for other services
the WRA wd like to sit, dev most sustainable proposal
allow for rejuvenation
if this is not a realistic proposal, pls state .... staff and that existing facility shd be demolished
Dave Patrick: perhaps MMgr wd clarify
$1M has been freed up for Great Hall
CAO: tried to clarify
cost of services bldg be funded from borrowing
then paid back
right now we have $875K out of capital fund; what I'm suggesting
standalone, can quite easily borrow and pay it back

{As I understood it, the $875K that we've seen in the Ten-Yr Capital Projects Plan for several years will be used for preservation of the Great Hall wch is part of the panabode, then $1M wch was in a previous motion, will be borrowed for the new golf club facilities (pro-shop, washrooms, bistro) wch shd be do-able b/c the $375K annual surplus/revenue from the golf operation instead of going into the Parks Dept general fund, will be used to pay back the borrowed amount.
Bruce McArthur found figures that might mean even more is made, so that will have to be looked at too.  In any case, with that prospect of payback, it shd not be difficult to borrow.}

cd be transferred to clubhouse project; WRA suggestion for a long time
gap therefore wd only be $125K
as Mr Leavers has pointed out may be Heritage funding av too
of course at discretion of Ccl
and of course clubhouse facilities
=83 DP: bldg operations,? no 2 with WRA, explore funding
cynical -- are we looking at another six months?
hope for immediate or fairly quick action
CAO: we need immed action on both; need consensus on Grt Hall
every kitchen washroom; have clubhouse in another location
both cd proceed concurrently
DP: may I ask fairly enthused....   without more discussions
CAO: intention of Ccl/clarification; clear direction, where we can go
allow staff to sit down; clear clubhouse project; define Grt Hall project
DP: disappoints me on one way
this binder, [reports? info?] out of whack; .....rally
Aline Brown: co-chair with Bruce of WRA
my little speech started out with disappointed! [now] doesn't make sense, Mr Stuart
heritage nature alluded to
social heritage
latest edition of The Scribe, a Jewish publication, has six pages dedicated to the xxx Golf and Country Club
on cover, the 19th hole at Gleneagles
in the article,  in 1951 the Cedarcrest.... as they were excluded

{B/c Jews were excluded from Capilano, they started their own golf course out near Horseshoe Bay, moved to Richmond after DWV bought it and named it the Gleneagles Golf Course......}

at Langara somewhat awkward
I quote.... "the nine-hole golf course had been sadly neglected
old shack....tenure .., for golfers and Great Hall, expanding Jewish cmnty
citizens of WV so proud of today
wonderful gift

{I'll see if I can get this quotation from Aline for a future newsletter.  She also mentioned to me later that the banquet facility used to make money; of course no income when it can't be rented out.}

=83 Barbara Pettit: [I, my property} back onto Gleneagles Golf course; I'm a resident and past WRA secy
have a script for a different [motion]
felt quite concerned; some points I was going to say; warnings as opposed to criticism
golfers have waited far too long
did not describe an integrated biz plan
nebulous funding
a plan for xxxx not for all of the....
no mention of time frame, marketing plan
understand difficulty of consolidating
significant number of errors and omissions
fairway was built later on; course always been open to public; no mention of an earlier club
Gleneagles a historical gem on the north shore; gathering place for the cmnty
if terminology correct
only local residents nothing further from the truth; always hosted by outsiders
ccl see p 7 visit
hamburger there
always at the invitation of friends from closer in
from NSh and beyond; just for us ppl there; see it as an amenity for entire NSh
finally, touch on noise on p 5 of report; under past Park Dir Kurucz re noise....decline
[some] phoned [re noise, but why] buy homes next to a banqueting facility?
we have never complained...
[live near No x hole, so hear] foul language or shouts of joy
noise from golfers
....seen evidence of things derailed
bistro's going to make [money]
if you buy... have to....restaurants
end of my presentation, I've left a lot out
{Sorry, Barbara, so have I! you were reading fast from your script and obviously adding at the same time.}

=83 CR: Carolanne Reynolds, Heritage West Van.
I don't have a script, as I didn't last time I spoke about this when I was so shocked at the way the money was being handled {money generated, hundreds of thousands of dollars, but spent neither on the golfers nor the maintenance of the building just apparently allowed to deteriorate}
I'm just absolutely thrilled with the suggestions that the CAO made tonight
{ie there's money for both: the Great Hall even if the whole panabode cannot be kept; and facilities/bistro/proshop for the golfers}
I had done a little bit of research and I know that speaking to some of the cclrs, that they were going to review what was decided last year, wch was to go some distance toward preserving this.
I think it's really exciting that these positive suggestions have been made wrt funding b/c it wd be so sad to lose such a significant heritage structure in our cmnty when there actually are funds being generated right on the spot; so it's really exciting
of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so we'll look forward to how that's going
I was speaking to the former prez of the NSh Heritage Forum today and we'll be writing a letter, but now we can maybe change the letter and we're really excited; and I hope this can all be as positive as it sounded when Mr Stuart spoke; so thank you all v much
I hope you'll consider it in a positive spirit for preserving the Great Hall for heritage

=83 Tom Bowen; [re Gleneagles] my paternal grandfather was a Stuart
we lost at the bluffs but how we can win here
was senior architect with firm xxxx, since its founding in 1958, mainly schools
have to be innovative; economic; low overhead and maintenance
[used?] LEEDs when it first came to ....
sustainability is prime
saving and restoring.... wd be major benefit
hv bn working out cost estimates
we seem to be much lower than BTY's; believe some misunderstandings -- they do not understand the scope of the work.... we've had engineers look at them, one in particular; they do a lot of log bldgs that they send to Japan, Japan has one of the highest seismic probs in the world
... react v well to seismic
they indicated by looking at the bldg, not much wrong; some work on roof, 2 x 8 decking; might have to repair some of the perimeter logs
looked at this item in great detail; willing to sit down with staff and BTY and go through so we can come to an understanding together where we're coming from wrt costs and how they devp theirs
one concern -- two sep bldgs and I did an estimate on that -- there'd be a duplication of services to the tune of $375K so think shd be looked at to have the bldg integrated
banquets....ppl go.......
at wedding -- probably a hockey game on in the bistro
ppl can also benefit the bistro, wch wdn't really stand on its own if just rely on golfers
I'm willing to sit down with staff and share thoughts, research, been looking at this for almost five years
JF: assure you, I hear from staff
=83 Dick Brown: golfer and director of [the McCleery] Golf Club in Vancouver
like speakers, Mr Stuart's speech cut mine in half
when I did presentation a couple of months back...
[Couple of weeks ago at Park Royal and ppl didn't know state of Gleneagles]

{Mr Brown!  He's referring to Heritage Fayre, but didn't name it, wch had his and other groups at tables on Saturday Feb 24th -- an event for ppl to find out about heritage and cmnty groups in WV.  The WRA table was quite busy with their display, their background info, and petition/letter.  As I wrote in an earlier newsletter, the two frogs were there (full 6ft!) and a dog from the SPCA -- whose ears had to be covered when the piper was in full blow.}

Gleneagles in 1960s; golf continues to decline; have to be competitive
we've never been against the clubhouse proceeding; support golfers completely but did object to Grt Hall being torn down for expediency
Great Hall has a definite use and shd add to the bottomline
no one can make money from food
check with Vancouver Park Bd, they'd love to shut down their catering, they lose money
they made mistake not banquet facilities
go next door to Bby two golf course and they have two banquet
look at public-owned
go to their websites
golf, then wedding packages, they make money on catering facilities
how to relate to Gleneagles
Glad to save....  will add to bottom line
if raining, not even playing golf or bistro; but can't not go to the wedding cuz it's raining outside
historic, will add to bottom line
as my wife mentioned this.....has a story
in 1960s in the sticks, ppl came for miles
predecessor of Jewish and ....
relates to everyone in Lower Mainland
a couple of years ago --
nothing else on North Shore; open to public
glad to hear we're not going to tear it down
two reasons: financial point of view, going to add [revenue]; has a lot of history, memories, ...
RD: v gd as it now reads, revision by Mr Stuart
remains siting and location -- north or south of road
in item 2, friendly amendment -- ADD and other ..... groups
reserve fund allocated to restoration of Grt Hall
discuss with other groups WRA, Golfers,......
not make that decision....
$875K to
JC: don't take it as unfriendly but wdn't want to move responsibility on to WRA
b/c of golfers
JF: actual site is determined
CAO: Mr Leavers points out, make a distinction of ... and .....; from the perspective of the golf course, siting at first tee
wd prefer to have it at its most functional location
still have ... as banquet in current location
no question some relationships between the two bldgs
restauranteur in.....
do see them as sep enterprises, sep constituents
no compromising what we want to do with Grt Hall
recognize comments by Mr Bowen, from our perspective, golfing, best on first hole, most common location
JC: with that clarification, wd accept $875K but
RD: in consultation rather than in partnership
JF: wd you like to propose
RD: hv to be separately; Cclr Clark agreed to xxx but not xxx
Mayor: perhaps read
RD: ... in consultation
staff explore siting, then (b) as it's written
$875K allocated
CAO: technical on last part, not reserve funding, reallocation to Grt Hall
JF: reallocation
CAO: wd like to make it very clear; Ccl wd have to approve; wd hv to come back
JF: on amendment
MS: quite bizarre
JF: no, it's not
MS: we don't even have a report, what if it costs $10M?  this is a totally diff motion
whether you want to take $875K
to reserve
JF: not disagreeing; it's a proposed amendment
MS: in a biz-like way
JF: if you don't like you can --
[debate about seconder]
SSch: the amendment is proposed
RD: in consultation
[Amendment carries]
JF: now to amended motion
VV: I do have difficulty with the administration sometimes
do believe we did vote to assign $875 for renovation of panbabode [last year]
don't know how that cdn't happen
to what happened last year
how we voted, but we did
I've lost track of the process
since April of last year, visited, voted to activate $875K
hope other monies for....facilities and mtg room
was hoping we were at the point tender documents
a year in the process to get back to where we were a year ago
..... just not that big
I'd like to offer an amendment-- tender docs, and bring this into reality
bit of a loss, don't want to defer
JF: if you wish to propose a further amendment then propose you do so
otherwise motion
Sop: location of current structure, what's that pointing to
CAO: across from
Gallery: No!
Sop: it calls for options one and two, one separated and one joint
when some time back Cclr Day, said move seriously
like how we're going to generate money
a bit vague, location
one structure on north and one on south, but if we accept as written what option are we accepting?
RD: to consult
Sop: current clubhouse structure
CAO: perhaps Mr Pike cd clarify
KP: not sure it matters
where Great Hall and other bldgs are now
but what we're saying here we need to look at where the best place is
JF: I think Cclr Sop's question is, can ... .go ahead
and heritage funds are sought
KP: I think costs.
locating farther away from cmnty ctr
Sop: not quite what I was after
some logic out of putting it all on one site
starting one portion before another
up for discussion? if isn't, shd be in here?
CAO: given the majority favour consultation re siting b/c of support of amendment
take out "on the location of the current structure" so allows discussion/consultation on basis of...
Sop: makes that amendment
MS: I'm speechless
JF: thank you, Cclr Smith
VV: I had misunderstood that
clubhouse structure, thought,....
not in a position to vote
JF: anyone who does not vote is considered in the affirmative
Cclr Smith, want to speak to the notion
MS: don't know what the motion is
just listen to tonight and you see what happened
grew up in WV, Gleneagles, a lot of parties here, rugby, ....., weddings,...... see value of golf course and facilities
facts, that golf course has generated a large and handsome profit
instead of investing back into the biz
the money was taken out -- it gets more bizarre, a separate .... to erect a sep edifice
relocating the road! taking a straight safe road and turn it into [a curved race course]
and the new facility has no....
even though located on golf course
JF: relevant
MS: history....whole sad chapter
tonight...  $1M ev agrees
staff report cheaper on existing site b/c infra structure there
that shd be incorporated in the Grt Hall
in favour of preserving
golfed in a lot of places
never teed off first hole, where laughing at your slice
so bizarre, I'm rendered speechless
why on first tee, it's just not done
agree something has to be done right away
$1M bistro, washrooms
let's get started with that
existing site, part of demolished; while funding continues
someone's reached up and pulled $875K of capital -- with no cost estimates, no biz plan
at some point, this is public money got to be run like a biz
direct staff to consult with .....
start on facilities that have to be opened; continue with discussion
so we can do something Grt Hall ...   and join that
move ahead in a somewhat common sense manner
RD: I'd be perfectly happy to see it built on
wrt Leavers's report...  thought that rather than a snap decision tonight, some discussion
Mr Leavers raised some questions as to best site; I'd be perfectly happy to vote for this site
wrt Cclr Vaughan, what was the relationship to the panabode and the clubhouse
the advantage of the motion, as amended, at least makes a decision
first finance from revenues, b/c it's a money maker
secondly panabode
not going to pay for ev; plan and at least know where/what money is going on
replanning of whole golf course
as a person who's been around --- on ccl for years and years
gets us on the road... then collect some more... at least a start
Sop: I concur; this has to get rolling; only confusion I had was location
Grt hall with amenities around this; don't find it confusing, right steps we're taking, certainly biz plan
JC: motion to extend
Sop: supporting motion
VV: estimate by BTY about $900K....voted on
only $25K?
v much in favour of plans along the lines of Mr Bowen
view....  excellent plan; ev on the one site, restores it much as it was
go as quickly;  support this evening, a step closer
JF: ev in favour
MS: read the motion out
[SSch did so]
RD: Mr Stuart
CAO: allocated in the budget for ...
PASSED  [applause]
Someone's comment (perhaps on Ccl): since 1988 finally managed to get somewhere with it
6.         Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2007
RECOMMENDED: THAT a Town Hall Council Meeting regarding the draft 2007 Budget be held on March 28, 2007 at 7:00 pm in the Activity Room at the WV Seniors' Centre.
RD: moved to March 29 at 4:30 in Ccl Chambers
 7.         Appointments to Design Review Committee
RECOMMENDED: THAT  the following appointments be made to the Design Review Committee for the term ending December 31, 2007: Jennifer Marshall, Don Vaughn, Veronica Gillies, Stephan Elmitt, P. J. Mallen, Cam Anderson, Jim Carruthers, Karl Ray.
But as you know, 8 and 9 were cancelled when they approved the Agenda at the beginning.
Michael Evison and Bruce McArthur rather disconcerted.

Squamish Sculpture

=== MAIKU === Vancouver Mus= eum Exhibit, Totems to Turquoise: water/Haida Gwaii
The last issue of WVM had a 'maiku' of  my first reaction/connection watching the light move on those rounded waves.  I saw the swirling colours and immediately saw mother-of-pearl, abalone, paua shells........ have you ever seen that?  did you get that image or impression from reading the poem?  Our grey skies soften the sun's rays and give a lustre, a sheen, to the sea that is unusual -- grey, silver, blue, turquoise, purple, even pale pink.  Here's another poem as a result:                                                      

                the sun, filtered by grey skies,
                        lends coloured lustre
                                to the silver sea

           {hope you can see the image (but this one's missing the turquoise and pink) --   :-) }

===  QUOTATIONS  ===

In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.
                        -- Iroquois Nation Maxim

Agatha Christie (1890-1976), was a British crime fiction writer. She also wrote romances under the name Mary Westmacott. Agatha Christie is the world's best-known mystery writer and, apart from William Shakespeare, is the all-time best-selling author of any genre. Her books have sold over two billion copies in the English language and another billion in over 45 foreign languages (as of 2003). As an example of her broad appeal, she is the all-time best-selling author in France...
"An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she gets, the more interested he is in her."

It takes a certain maturity of mind to accept that nature works as steadily in rust as in rose petals.
                        -- Esther Warner Dendel, writer and artist (1910-2002)

The butterfly counts not years but moments and has time enough.
  -- Rabindranath Tagore, poet, philosopher, author, songwriter, painter, educator, composer, Nobel laureate (1861-1941)