Ccl NOTES July 18
AGENDAs July 25
Calendar to Aug 15

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

 May more than fireworks light your skies.......
MAIN ITEMS on Ccl's AGENDAs July 25:
~ 4pm ~ FINANCE Cmte: AmblesideNOW expenditures; Budget 2012 Timeline; Facilities Inventory and Maintenance; Banking and Investment RFP Update.
{NB: the minutes are v informative and it's great to have access to the reports for the mtg -- do read!} 
~ 6pm closed mtg, the 7pm ~ Open Ccl Mtg: Semi-independent housing for young adult children with devtal challenges; Kiwanis lands (21st); Cycling Network Implementation Plan WG; Duplex Stratification 6619/6623 Nelson; AmblesideNOW Budget Update; Sec Stes Report; Surplus Land Sale 26th and MDr; DPA north of Mulgrave; Correspondence: CAC Calculations; GLH process, heritage and other funds, PH rules, LSF, list of Polman's five questions, plaintive request re procedures b/c of mtgs missing from Calendar and WG notes/info missing on DWV website.
=  Vive le Canada (Birthdays: 140 for BC, 80 for YVR); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Bletchley Park help; DWV Calendar); AmblesideNOW-WATCH (Intriguing email exchange re Polman's Five questions on AmbNOW's missing information); UPDATES & INFO (Income by Postal Code; Annual Report 2010, FIA)
=  CALENDAR to Aug 15th includes the Harmony Arts Festival; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music)
=  Ccl Mtg NOTES July 18th: Devt Permit Applic for 2403 Duchess; Youth Services Review Findings/Final Report ($75Kpa for YDevt Worker for western needs; $15K for increased programming; Amb Youth Place funding); Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report (READ IT! public input over the summer; Draft in fall; formation of an Arts Society, Upgrades to Music Box and Silk Purse; Removal of 1576 Argyle; Reno of 1756 Argyle, Relocn of Klee Wyck tenants to newly named Lawson Crk Studios; Consideration of how Godfrey's at 1528 Argyle can promote Arts and Culture; Cultural and Heritage precinct Argyle waterfront); Fees and Charges re Fire/Rescue permits and services (to third reading); Zoning Bylaw (to third reading); Adoption of Bylaws (Five-Yr Financial Plan Budget Amendment (approving AmbNOW $3.1M); Firearm Regulation); Correspondence (GLH; Problems re PH; PLS READ Amb Devt and Finance Cmte minutes; letters against selling land for plans/buildings)
=  Finance Cmte (4pm) and Special Ccl (7pm) AGENDAs July 25th (last before September)
=  ANIMALWATCH (lion cub and cat); INFObits (golf in Canada);  FOOD/DRINKWATCH (croissants and scotch); PEACEWATCH (Int'ls promote peace and protect Palestinians); FLOTILLAWATCH (Pressure); PHOTOWATCH (World's 'Ugliest' Buildings); GARDENWATCH; SCHOOLWATCH; HERITAGEWATCH (Walk; Tea by the Sea); HUMOURWATCH (Why men not depressed); MAIKU (Bard-ku: powerful Richard III); QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS

===  Vive le CANADA  ===  Anniversaries: 140 (BC) and 80 (YVR)
>  BC joined the Dominion of Canada 140 years ago
Happy birthday, British Columbia. No, really
Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun, published: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
For most of us, it's just another summer day at the office wishing we were outdoors, but today is British Columbia's actual birthday.
On July 20, 1871, the party had started at midnight with an air of great rejoicing.
"Bells were rung, guns fired, blue lights and Roman candles burned, and crackers snapped. And people met on the streets and shook hands with and congratulated each other, and cheered and cheered and cheered! Everybody seemed happy and jolly and the manifestations were kept up long into the small hours. They were celebrating the Birth of Liberty," reported the leading newspaper of the day, The British Colonist.
       More: http://www2.canada.com/vancouversun/columnists/story.html?id=b4db7926-a3f3-4d0f-a976-a855272343e0
>  Vancouver airport turns 80
Happy Birthday YVR. On July 22, 1931, the Vancouver airport was officially opened on Sea Island with a hard-surfaced runway, the first in Canada
 Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Vancouver+airport+turns/5139146/story.html#ixzz1SpMeKQ3S

===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===  Transcripts and DWV Calendar
A)  Ccl Mtg transcripts
Obviously they are a best efforts offering.  Timestamps aid locating the part of the mtg exchanges and discussions took place to verify.  Since I type while they're speaking, it's impossible to get everything down.  The ccl minutes often just say "discussion ensued" however IMO it's important to learn the various viewpoints and how mbrs of Ccl arrive at them or what they base their decisions on.  
B)  Reading WVM, this newsletter:
If you're not a cryptologist you may wish to consult the list of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initializations, updated July 23, in order to decipher the text, see: http://www.westvan.org/acronyms/
C)  This notice below wch is on the DWV website is one of the reasons I'm urging that the Calendar be complete, correct, and timely:
Council and Community Events Calendar 
For a calendar of upcoming meetings and events in West Vancouver, please consult our calendar feature. 

===  AmblesideNOW-WATCH ===  Otherwise known as "Polman's FIVE" 
Garrett Polman's comments at the July 4th ccl mtg were printed in WVM14 under Agenda Item 9, discussion of the Five-Yr Financial Plan Amendment on wch there was a lot of debate ending with the statement it wd be answered at the next ccl mtg.  Well, as with the January question on the LSF when we were told answers at the next ccl mtg, didn't happen (at the next ccl mtg wch was July 18).   Mr Polman then sent his letter to the CAO.
See if you can spot any answers.   (Prize will be awarded.)

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Grant McRadu <gmcradu@westvancouver.ca> wrote:
Dear Garrett,
Thank you for your letter dated July 4, 2011 regarding AmblesideNow.  You are asking the same questions we are asking as move forward on this exciting but challenging project and I really do appreciate your questions and will endeavour to answer them as best as we can as we move through the planning process.
The vision for AmblesideNow remains unchanged: we are working to create a revitalized Ambleside which advances and supports arts and culture and provides the District with the financial resources required to build a public safety building at no additional burden to taxpayers.
AmblesideNow is an exciting vision.  And the sharing of space and even some services between Police and Fire is an ambitious project and will require further detailed analysis and costing. We anticipate a comprehensive report on the public safety building in September, by way of a report to Council. That report will address questions you have raised and also explain the process we have taken to reach this point, where we are at now, and the next steps.
The intent of providing a new Public Safety Building at no additional burden to the taxpayer remains fundamental to AmblesideNow.  If, after public consultation, it is determined that there is a revenue shortfall or Council determines the project should be paid for in a different manner, but that the initiative should continue, the public will be consulted on other revenue sources, such as external/internal financing, sale of other lands, taxation, or a combination of options.  We believe the existing model is feasible, however, we must consider all possibilities and will be testing a number of assumptions and costing out different scenarios. 
AmblesideNow and the design and construction of the PSB will continue to be guided by sound business principles, a mandate to optimize return on investments and minimize costs where possible.  The Ambleside Revitalization Commission, composed of volunteer community leaders in the fields of development will continue to provide sound business advice to the District, in addition to our team of external experts.
As mentioned above, further information and detail will be provided in the upcoming staff report.
Grant McRadu
Chief Administrative Officer, District of West Vancouver, 604-925-7002       www.amblesidenow.ca
This email and any files transmitted with it are considered confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed (intended). If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately.
{Bizarre? over secretive?  Sounds rather unnecessarily and aggressively ominous --
WRT AmbNOW, we now know this item is on the Monday July 25th sp ccl mtg agenda although the CAO's letter says a report in September with answers.
NB: it has not been announced in public that the Executive Director, Joe Redmond with devt experience, resigned some weeks ago and has not yet been replaced.  The ARC webpage makes no mention of an Exec Dir or if there'd ever been one or if they're even looking..........}
Garrett replies with his concerns:
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 09:04:14 -0700
Subject: AmblesideNow
From: Garrett Polman <gpolman@gmail.com>
As several of our Councillors have commented, AmblesideNOW is proceeding with unseemly haste.  The project presents serious difficulties:
1.   Basic "major capital project" planning practices are not being followed.  We're told basic feasibility studies and studies of alternatives have not been done.  They are now promised for September.
2.  The Ambleside Revitalization Commission has charged ahead with announcing "expressions of interest" from architects for a $37M public safety building while Council is looking at a budget about twice that size and has not made final decisions.
3.  The promise that the sale of land  will cover the building costs is a sham.  Fact is we know neither the revenues nor the costs and won't for a long time.
4.  Revenues depend on significantly increasing the densification of the land.  Will the community approve what they generally oppose?
5.  The sale of the present [museum] site means there's an issue about what to do for a new museum. Cost?  Not a word.
6.  The arts and culture community has been talking about a new arts facility for 40 years.  They would like to run it.  They have not even established a foundation and don't have a penny.  Their detailed plan for a new arts facility dedicates only 21% of the space for display of art (less than half of world-class museum standards) but includes 20+ offices, showers, loading docks, etc.  No mention of the contents but with only 21% of the space to be used for display, that's clearly not the priority.
For the details see the attached correspondence.  As several Councillors have said, the community needs to take notice of what is going on.
Let's hope summer is better than this.
{I can't help reiterating my concern about the plan -- the devt will be financed by selling M land therefore not raising taxes is short-sighted and omits a serious factor.  Buildings deteriorate and must be replaced.  If the precious land assets of WV have been sold -- they're gone.  Can't be re-used..  That sort of decision has been likened to selling a kidney to buy an iPod, as a young man in China recently did. See http://www.nsnews.com/technology/West+Vancouver+regrow+kidneys+land/5044140/story.html }

===  UPDATES & INFO  ===  Income in WV
A letter in the NSN, pushing for Ambleside Revitalization/Devt, said that Ambleside had the highest income in WV.  I knew that was not so so checked it out.
Here's the median total income from the 2007 stats by postal going east to west:
V7S is $37,409
V7T is $33,840  (Ambleside)
V7V is $42,128
V7W is $52,696
        for all of WV is $40,058
for comparison, the DES is $13,593
Some other Ms -- fyi in 2008
North Saanich $40,129
Tsawwassen $40,746
Fort St John $41,002
Fort Nelson $41,447
Anmore $42,818
Lions Bay $43,163
Port Alice $45,024
Mount Waddington B  $45,831
        (Mount Waddington C is $19,661 and Mount Waddington A is $19,061)
Belcarra $50,448
Elkford $53,149
+  Annual Report 2010
Council received the 2010 Annual Report at the June 20, 2011 Regular Council Meeting.
The Annual Report will also be available for inspection at the Finance Department in the Municipal Hall.
2010 Annual Report (PDF) (Flash)  --  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34478
Complete FIA:

=======  CALENDAR to Aug 15th  ======= 
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise.  NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out.  Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx  .  Notices/mtgs/changes too late for an issue or too early for the next are sent to subscribers as updates.  They then appear in the next newsletter.
>  Salsa by the Sea
June 23 to Aug 25 on Ambleside Landing from 6:30 to 8:30pm on Thursdays; $6 drop-in
Open to all; ph 925 7290; see http://ferrybuildinggallery.com for info.
>  Weekly Farmers' Markets all summer
Saturdays 9 to 3 - Dundarave Farmers' Market, 2400 Marine Drive
Sundays 10 to 3 - Ambleside Farmers' Market - Bellevue Ave & 13th St.
>  This Summer join us for FREE Sunset Family Yoga Classes!
Located on the Great Lawn of the Community Centre --  July & August only -- A gentle Hatha Style class.  Everyone is welcome.  Bring your own yoga mat.  Weather permitting - For up-to-date scheduling information:
Summer of Cinema and Song  --  Ferry Building Landing (foot of 14th Street)
Date: July 10 - August 28  --  Time: Song starts at 7pm. Cinema starts at sunset.
Presented by Dr. Debra Rovinelli and Graham Foster at West Vancouver Optometry.
Join us at the Ferry Building Landing for
Summer of Cinema and Song on the West Vancouver waterfront. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy live music as the sun sets, then stay and watch a great film in the park! Events take place every Sunday between July 10 and August 28.
*NOTE: Films taking place during the Harmony Arts Festival will be in John Lawson Park on Fridays.
Date                                            Song              Cinema                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
        Friday, July 29 (Harmony Arts Festival)         Nearly Neil            Pollock
        Friday, August 5 (Harmony Arts Festival)                Headwater            Slumdog Millionaire
        Sunday, August 14                                       Rosco                  Factory Girl
== Monday July 25   ~ 4pm ~ Finance Cmte Mtg then ~ 6pm ~ closed Ccl Mtg (open at 7pm)
== Tuesday July 26      ~ 7pm ~ Parks Master Plan WG
== Thursday July 28     ~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues CANCELLED
                        ~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd Public mtg at WVPD
== Saturday Aug 6   ~ 10am - noon ~ Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants at Cypress Creek Lodge
        Presentation by Jennifer Grenz, Coordinator, Greater Vancouver Invasive Plants Council
        Contact/questions: info@cypresspark.bc.ca   or katharine@steig.com , Friends of Cypress Park
== Friday July 29 ==  Harmony Arts Festival  == to Sunday August 7
The North Shore's premiere summer event celebrates its 21st year. Everyone is welcome and everything is free. Visit the various seaside venues to experience firsthand all the sights, sounds, and sensations of this award winning ten-day festival.
Info: 925 7268, www.harmonyarts.ca  > Ambleside Landing, John Lawson Park, and other seaside venues
http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=26032 + http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35130
21st Harmony Arts Festival
The 21st annual Harmony Arts Festival is presented by Odlum Brown Limited. West Vancouver's waterfront will come alive with ten days of free concerts, an Arts Market on Argyle Avenue, and new attractions for arts and music lovers from the North Shore and beyond.
Harmony Arts Festival manager, Christie Rosta says: "The response from artists and musicians has been phenomenal. We have concerts on the beach, an incredible Art Market, [an Artists' Circle Exhibition] with world renowned artists, great wine and food service, and as always an incredibly dedicated volunteer team. Special thanks to the team at Odlum Brown Limited who have supported the festival for ten years and continue to be an integral partner in delivering this special festival."
This year's Harmony Arts Festival provides guests with a unique opportunity to purchase art and other [collectibles] in the Art Market. The revitalized and re-imagined Art Market promises to be a true treasure chest of one-of-a-kind pieces from across the lower mainland and British Columbia.
The [Artists' Circle Exhibition] and special evening event promise to be special celebration of the work and life of renowned local artist Gordon Smith. Along with Douglas Coupland, Gordon Smith and his friends will share their works in a special gallery tent, located just east of the Music Box.
For full festival schedule, a pull-out Festival Guide will be available in the North Shore News in mid July. A schedule is also available online at harmonyarts.ca.
New This Year
Special Evening Celebration  --  Wednesday August 3  --  Artists' Talks and Reception 7 - 10pm
Respected Canadian artist, Gordon Smith, has called West Vancouver home for more than 60 years. His remarkable life and art reflect west coast living in our community. Gordon has generously supported the arts by teaching, donating his work, and encouraging innovative artists and designers in their various artistic pursuits. Please join Gordon Smith, Douglas Coupland, and other special guests as they share stories of friendship and celebrate excellence in the visual arts.
Tickets $75 per person (purchase your ticket online at harmonyarts.ca or call 925 7270). This event is being offered in conjunction with the West Vancouver Museum's summer exhibition Selected Works from the Gordon and Marion Smith Collection which runs from June 9 to August 29, 2011.
Artists' Circle Exhibition
Friday July 29 - Sunday August 7  ~~  10am - 9pm
The [Artists' Circle] exhibition profiles the work of selected artists associated with Gordon Smith in an accessible beach front location. The exhibition brings high level professional art to the waterfront to engage visitors in thinking about how the visual arts can define community. The exhibition is open throughout the Harmony Arts Festival.
BEST of the WEST
Thursday August 4  ~~ 7:30 - 10:30pm  ~~  Ticketed event: $75
The Harmony Arts Festival introduces BEST of the WEST, where West Vancouver will be enjoying BC's best in celebration of BC Day. Guests will be introduced to food and wine from ten participating restaurants and ten wineries. Set at the foot of 14th Street at the Pier, this ticketed event will be an unparalleled waterfront experience. Purchase your ticket online at harmonyarts.ca or call 925 7270.
1400 - 1600 block Argyle Avenue
The Harmony Arts Festival welcomes all visitors to our rebranded, expanded "Art Market" presented by Vancouver's North Shore Tourism. Meet 60+ esteemed artists and artisans from British Columbia & Ontario. You will find one-of-a-kind ceramics, jewellery, fashion, leather goods, paintings, photography, woodwork, glass arts, and more.
About the Harmony Arts Festival - July 29 - August 7
The Harmony Arts Festival, presented by Odlum Brown Limited, is the North Shore's premiere summer event celebrating its 21st year. Everyone is welcome and all the performances are free of charge. Visit the various seaside venues to experience firsthand all the sights, sounds, and sensations of this award winning ten-day festival. Visit harmonyarts.ca for full the full schedule, and follow us on Twitter @harmonyartswv and Facebook (harmonyartswv).

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++  http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/event/calendar.php
Closed Sundays in July and August.  Note parking and parking limit changes (details in WVM13)
~ 6:30 - 9pm ~ Join us on Tuesday evenings for an in-house screening of some wonderful films.
        Barney's Version -- July 26     Made in Dagenham -- August 2
        Secretariat -- August 9         Mao's Last Dancer - August 16
+++  WV MUSEUM +++ http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
=  The Smith Collection  ~  June 9 to August 27
      A selection of works by leading Canadian artists from Gordon Smith's private collection
Immersed in the visual art world, West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a number of interesting works by leading Canadian and international artists. The wealth of their art collection is evidence of the lives the Smiths touched and conversely those who influenced Gordon Smith's artistic practice. Through examining the Smiths' influence to the Canadian art world, this first exhibition of the Smith Collection includes works by Rodney Graham, Douglas Coupland, Jack Shadbolt, and Ann Kipling among many others.
West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a diversity of artworks from leading Canadian artists over their decades-long immersion in the Canadian art world.
This exhibition includes important works selected by Ian Thom, Senior Curator, Vancouver Art Gallery.

+++  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY  +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
                mixed media exhibition of ArtSpeaks and Invited Artists
Harmony Showcase Exhibition Details: http://ferrybuildinggallery.com/exhibitions/upcoming_exhibition___harmony_showcase_exhibition
ArtSpeaks Program Schedule -- See the list of artists:

+++ SILK PURSE +++   http://www.silkpurse.ca/gallery2.html
~~ July 26 - August 7  ~~  "Harmony Arts Festival"
The WVCAC is proud to be a part of West Vancouver's 21st annual Harmony Arts Festival. Artists from all over the North Shore will have their work on display throughout Ambleside. The Silk Purse will exhibit works from the official HAF Juried Group Show. Come on down and get a look at some of the amazing talent in our community.
Opening reception: Wednesday July 27th from 6 - 8pm
~~ August 9 - 21  ~~  "Seasons"
Oil paintings by Elizabeth McLaren
Elizabeth McLaren's art reflects her love of nature. Preferring plein-air painting and in the diverse natural beauty of BC she never lacks for subject matter. Elizabeth says her creative process is "an unconscious force" allowing her to become lost in the moment. Come lose yourself in her work.
Opening reception:  Tuesday August 9th from 6 - 8pm
Complete list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
Kay Meek Centre welcomes new Executive Director 
Claude Giroux, whose career includes a roster of artistic and directorial achievements will soon join Kay Meek Centre as its new Executive Director.
In making the announcement, Dr Ken Haycock, Chair, West Vancouver Arts Centre Trust, notes that Mr. Giroux was the unanimous choice of the Board following an international search. Claude will assume the role on September 5, 2011.
Haycock adds, "Mr. Giroux's energy, enthusiasm and passion fit well with the Meek and our positioning as a dynamic cultural heart for the community. His demonstrated skill in audience and fund development and forming significant partnerships for youth programming are at the core of our current plans."

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
Website: http://www.westvan60.com/  --  ofc: 922 3587; lounge: 922 1920
"Where Volunteers make the difference." Chartered November 17th, 1926
The Winter Issue of "The Torch" is now available
 To view the newsletter, just click the following link for direct access:
 The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.  To sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of the webpage, http://www.westvan60.com/newsletter.html
For those of you who use Twitter, you can follow us, Tweet us and keep up to date with our events.
Follow us: @westvan60 -- Reid Anderson, Branch Secretary
We have started a Membersite which is working but under construction. Of note on the website will be/is:
- calendar of events (in red on the monthly calendar right side of page)
- agendas and minutes of meetings
- comment page
        Web address is: westvan60.com/membersite
THE "SNOWCAPS" RUGBY CLUB  with members: Tim Bannister, Eric Dodds, and Bill Gerwing
(which means they pay for everything, including the meat prizes and raise money for our Branch)
This Saturday, July 23rd with a Steak BBQ to follow -- $10 PER PERSON
Come out, support them, and your Branch -- THE DIEHARDS ARE PLAYING AT 7pm HAVE FUN!

+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
July 26 - Chamber Breakfast Club 2  --  Delany's, Dundarave
Aug 2 - Chamber Breakfast Club  --  Cafe TrafiQ, Ambleside

+  BARD ON THE BEACH http://www.bardonthebeach.org/ June 2nd to Sept 24
Tix: book online or call Box Office M-F 9am to 4pm, 739 0559; reserved seating this year.
>  As You Like It
Great acting by Lois Anderson, on stage nearly the whole time; and
>  The Merchant of Venice
a difficult play, an excellent production; even with humour: John Murphy and Ryan Beil
>  Henry VI, Wars of the Roses
Three plays into one, masterfully melded by Christopher Weddell; complicated but made clear by the acting; politics and intrigue always with us, the well-intentioned side-lined
>  Richard III opened Saturday July 16
an absolutely POWERFUL performance by Bob Frazer
so impressed, three maiku sprang from my brain (see Maiku at end)
Bard Explored: Enrich Your Experience
Enjoy the Bard Village for one full hour before curtain. With earlier access to the site, there's extra time to enjoy tasty snacks and beverages, dine on a picnic or expand your knowledge with our new on-site educational talks.
Our insightful talks take place before every performance this season
        Mainstage:      25 minutes prior to curtain; Studio Stage:  15 minutes prior to curtain
TALKBACK TUESDAYS - FREE Post-Show Discussions
Learn more about the play you've just enjoyed. After each Tuesday evening performance, there is a question and answer session with members of the cast.
LECTURES ($10 each)    Saturdays at 10:30am
Expand your knowledge of Shakespeare and this season's four plays.
        Lectures (remaining) : August 13 - Henry VI; August 27 - Richard III                           
+  ARTS CLUB   687 1644
  -  Revue Stage on Granville Island --
  -  Granville Island Stage -- A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, to July 30
+  PI THEATRE -- 872.1861 | news@pitheatre.com | www.pitheatre.com
Pi Theatre invites you to a sneak peek of our upcoming production Livepod - Visions of Vancouver. We'll be holding a public reading of the scripts in progress at the Museum of Vancouver. Admission is by donation to MoV. Come hear these brand new scripts and meet the cast and writers.
1:30 - 3pm Sunday July 28th, Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street
Directed by Richard Wolfe; featuring Sarah Afful, Alessandro Juliani, Richard Newman, Kyra Zagorsky
+ Jericho Arts Centre  (1675 Discovery)  224 8007 http://www.jerichoartscentre.com/
Bob Loblaw QAS and Bent Productions presents:
    written by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield; directed by David C. Jones
          starring Robin Chung, Sean Parsons, and Dave Ortynsky
This revised version of the smash hit comedy that dazzled Vancouver ten years ago is back with a new cast but directed by the star of the original local production, David C. Jones.
Three desperate and clueless men try to do all 37 of Shakespeare's plays in 97 minutes! Othello is a rap, Titus is a cooking show and Hamlet is done backwards.
July 21 - 30 Tue; Sat at 8pm; Previews: July 20, 21; Tix $10 - $20; Matinee Wed July 27 at 1pm Tix $10
+ Theatre Under the Stars in Stanley Park 877 840 0457 www.tuts.ca
        ~ 8pm ~ Bye, Bye, Birdie and Anything Goes until Aug 20
    Calendar of Events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
~ VAG PUBLIC PROGRAMS  --  All Programs free for Members.
        Current exhibition: "The Colour of my Dreams".........
~  Out for Lunch -- Eine Kleine Lunch Musik  Select Fridays, 12:10 - 1pm
        PuSH Festival presented with the Vancouver Art Gallery   
Wednesday July 27 ~ Doors at 6:30pm, show at 7pm ~ Vancouver Art Gallery  
With a sound that is described as 'orchestral', 'primal', and 'hip-hop infused', internationally renowned throat singer Tanya Tagaq's performances span a staggering range of experiences. In the context of the Vancouver Art Gallery's stunning new exhibition The Colour of my Dreams: The Surrealist Revolution in Art, Tagaq's work will resonate with those alternative states so central to the Surrealist movement, be it dream-state, trance, or subconscious desire...
* Tickets: $25 General Admission. Special $15 tickets available to Vancouver Art Gallery Members & PuSh Festival Patrons Circle Members. Tickets: call 604-662-4717 to reserve. Seating is limited.
+  Vancouver Symphony Orchestra  876 3434
                  Many to choose from, pls go to the VSO website: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/ 
Harpists Extraordinaires: Judy Loman, Then Jazz - Sunday July 24 -- St. Andrew's Wesley Church
Int'l Classical Prize-Winners, Then Samba And Pop -- Monday July 25 -- St. Andrew's Wesley
World Of Harp Concertos, Blues And Techno Harp -- Tuesday July 26 -- Orpheum Theatre
+  On Friday, July 29th at the Orpheum, Evan Mitchell conducts "Gala Harp Concertos and Spindrift" featuring artists and repertoire with an international flavour and a local connection: Michael Conway-Baker's Harp Concerto.
+  The orchestra also performs on Saturday, July 30th with conductor Ken Hsieh at St. Andrew's Wesley Church. Hosted by Bill Richardson, this intimate concert features harpists from Vancouver, Japan, Norway, and Serbia. Afterwards, stroll down to English Bay to catch the fireworks!
Concert tickets and information available at www.vancouversymphony.ca or through VSO Customer Service at 876 3434.
Please visit the World Harp Congress website for details on the evening concerts:                      
For information on the World Harp Congress & Festival day time concerts visit: site:                   
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER --  40th Anniversary Season --  http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca
        T: 732-1610  F: 732-1602  E: staff@earlymusic.bc.ca Summer Festival tix on sale
Get ready for the 2011 Vancouver Early Music Festival with the first in our series of free "Early Music in Context" lectures:
Why Should the Brave Deserve the Fair?:
                Honour, Sexuality, and Dryden's King Arthur
Wednesday July 27 ~~ 5:30 - 6:30pm  
UBC School of Music; Admission is free; seating is limited.
What assumptions about masculinity and femininity would audiences have brought to King Arthur in 1691, and how do those compare to ours in 2011? Nicky Didicher will explore the ways in which John Dryden portrays the main characters in his collaboration with Henry Purcell, how he blends gender ideology inherited from medieval romance with seventeenth-century assumptions, and what effect that will have on how we perceive King Arthur.
This lecture serves as an introduction to the Vancouver Early Music Festival performance of Henry Purcell's "King Arthur" - A Restoration Spectacular on Wednesday, August 10 at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.
Nicky Didicher joined the faculty of Simon Fraser University as a senior lecturer in the fall of 2002. Her fields of specialization are eighteenth-century British literature and children's literature; she also teaches a variety of other courses including poetry, drama, detective fiction, nineteenth-century literature, science fiction, and Chaucer.
For more information on the August 10 performance of Purcell's "King Arthur", please visit:
For a complete listing of "Early Music in Context" lectures, please visit:                                                                             

Join us for our extraordinary opening concert:
the North American premiere of the latest instalment in Sequentia's famed "Lost Songs Project".
Frankish Phantoms: Echoes from the Carolingian Palaces
Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 8:00 pm  (pre-concert introduction at 7:15)
                at the Roy Barnett Recital Hall, 6361 Memorial Road, UBC campus
Sequentia ensemble for medi=E6val music (Paris):
Benjamin Bagby director, voice, harp; Wolodymyr Smishkewych voice; Norbert Rodenkirchen flutes, cithara, harp
In the 8th century the musical and political world of the Carolingian clan, those warlike and pious Frankish kings, stretched across what is now most of Western Europe. Benjamin Bagby and Sequentia will revive all manner of lost musical works from a golden age of European song, when scholars and poets from England, Spain, Francia, and the Germanic lands flourished under these enigmatic and powerful rulers.
Much of this music has vanished, but its traces remain. Bagby says - or rather asks - it best: "What kinds of witnesses have survived from the early Middle Ages which we might use to reconstruct a performance art that has been silent for a thousand years and more?" One answer to this question is Frankish Phantoms: a programme which allows these nearly-forgotten stories to live again.
For a preview of Benjamin Bagby's riveting performance style, please visit:
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit:                                            
Tickets for all Festival concerts are now on sale. For details, please visit:                                                  
This concert is generously sponsored by Elaine Adair, the Consulate General of France
in Vancouver and the Institut Fran=E7ais. Presented in cooperation with the UBC School of Music.

Early Music Vancouver  1254 West 7th Ave, Vancouver, V6H 1B6
Find us on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/?sk=lf#!/earlymusicvancouver
+  Pacific Rim String Quartet
Thursday July 28, by donation; 604 788 1318
        The Enchanted Lotus, an afternoon of music at the WV United Church.

===  CCL MTG NOTES Monday July 18th  ===
Note: At 6pm the regular Ccl Mtg will commence in open session, immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public.  At 7pm the open session will reconvene (in the Council Chamber).
6:00 PM
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded ... under the following section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
c.  labour relations or other employee relations;
d.  the security of the property of the municipality; and
e.  the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.
7:00 PM
{NB: Since GP has been researching CACs, his comments on CACs hv bn inserted prefaced by G@.  They provide some clarification and further information for better/fuller understanding wrt rezoning and variances.}
5.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA  --  Add: to Item 8 a written submission
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
July 4, 2011 Regular Council Meeting; July 4, 2011 Public Hearing; July 11, 2011 Special Council Meeting
Sop: Item 9 on the Five-Yr Financial Plan as reported on the vote [in the minutes for adoption], that I voted in the negative, I didn't put my hand up wch means the affirmative.  You asked me what my position was and I didn't say too much, but I did in fact vote in the affirmative and it's registered as negative.
Mayor: and this was the minutes of July 11?
Sop: July 4
Mayor: with that correction
{Well, what a relief!  My transcript had the vote as unanimous, so I was quite worried when I saw the unadopted minutes with Sop as voting in the negative.
Anyway, you'll see later that at adoption of the Five-Yr Financial Plan, both Smith and Sop vote in the negative and then Cclr MS makes a motion for monthly reporting of AmbNOW expenditures, past and planned.}
Mayor: Many presentations so presentation then comments
7. 2011 Harmony Arts Festival (File:  3016-01)  Presentation to be provided.
        RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
DepCAO: summer arrived early -- Christie Rosta's daughter had a son on Saturday
over 60 artists from across the country
Artists' Circle Tent -- ten artists in ten days; tremendous exhibit[ion] open to the public ev day
Douglas Coupland; Best of the West, ten restaurants and ten wineries; here's a quick clip on YouTube
        {here's one fyi: Harmony Arts YouTube Link  http://youtu.be/2kz8AtA2DvQ }
Mayor: banners are great
ML: recommend ppl come out!
8. Development Permit Application No. 11-003 for 1403 Duchess Ave (File:  1010-20-11-003)
At the June 6 reg mtg Council received the report dated May 20 for 1403 Duchess and set the date for consideration for July 4.  At the June 20 mtg the date for consideration was re-scheduled to July 18.
Reports received up to July 14, 2011:
       Devt Permit No. 11-003 for 1403 Duchess Avenue   /  May 20, 2011  /   June 6, 2011/   July 18, 2011
Written Submissions received up to July 14, 2011:
        J. and C. Anastasiou  /  June 23, 2011  /  July 18, 2011
>>>  R. and M. Reid (On-Table)  /  July 3, 2011  /      July 18, 2011
G Boyle, Planning Dept: I'll say a few words, then the applicant
fairly small lot on the corner of 14th and Duchess, two lots
doesn't require an OCP change or Zoning change, just a Devt Permit so that's why here now
Was occupied by a church
five townhouse units with ten underground parking; front doors on 14th
zoning allows townhouses or an apt
some requested variances: siting and xxx
siting, close to location of the church; works for them and for nbrs; only two-storey bldg
b/c zoning in place not asking for a CAC
Mayor: questions before applicant
ML: Design Rev asked for eight changes; made?
GB: happy with what they've done
Sop: why asking for so many variances?
GB: close to church building; no ht variance; shuffling around of the FAR
Sop: asking for zero lot-line this devt and last
in my years, haven't seen from Planning Dept zero lot-line; in past had to comply
GB: now way of future, this is unique
Mayor: wd like to hear the whole application, then Mr Evison
GB: this does conclude
James Fox: here from Wedgewood ventures and with xxxx
wd like to come back about zero lot-line
xxx; five row houses; attached but independent
each two-car garage underground
great for ppl in WV downsizing
When we saw it was for sale
church has been there since 1939, have grown, but recently down so decided to abandon, sell, and give all the money to charity.
We were excited, how often do you find such in WV and dimensions
grade ideal for cars, not much ramping
width 66 ft so allows for a small front yard and decent exterior, about 20ft
we felt if we cd build into what was there, wd work well
asking for variance -- got this mass and trying to squish down, lowering
zero lot-line is the parkade
bldg itself is 20ft from the prop line; needed some distance view from west
welcome any questions; rigorous Design Panel and made many changes virtually every one of their suggestions
environmental -- to silver standard, green-built
going to be a raingarden; intend to capture a lot of storm water; many other initiatives
happy to answer any questions
ML: notice access off N-S -- accommodate needs of someone in a wheelchair
JF: explored having elevators but problems, so did not
staircase machinery can be used; door widths fine
ML: adaptable?
JF: I don't think WV has adaptable guidelines
ANS: yes
JF: then we'll include
ML: xxx
JF: one of the reqmts to build up to the roof [7:18]
Ev: you mention trees will be protected
two weeks ago we asked staff for tree protection guidelines -- embedded?
JF: the trees and landscaping are on top of the parkade
we do not actually excavate so we're not near their root systems
I can guarantee what we're doing will not affect those trees
Sop: am sure when finished, xxx cladding will look v nice
has xxx ever come up?
JF: wd prefer not to do that for insurance and liability reasons
in lieu of doing it on the roof
if a concrete-built structure I wd hv been more open to that
Mayor: Ms Scholes, pls comment on feedback to date and then I'll call for public input
Mayor: I don't have the sheet here so will ask if anyone here wd like to speak
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal submissions ... be received for information.
MS: when can we ask questions?
Mayor: now
MS {sorry, I didn't catch the question}: xxx?
Sokol: it regulates sq ftg; allows an FAR of .9
up to the devpr as to how many units as long as sufficient parking
MS: so I'll ask a different way
take the zoning setbacks, you're saying wd fit within if no xxx granted as side yards
Sokol: with no variances cd still have same number of units
these variances b/c staff felt better design than standard setbacks
Mayor: does that answer your question?
MS: it paws at the ground; I wdn't say it answers the question
I'll ask another question.  In your professional opinion, does granting these variances increase value of this project?
Sokol: I do not have the expertise to evaluate it in terms of the value
can tell you from the cmnty standpoint, staff believe a better project for the cmnty by granting these variances
Mayor: asked professional opinion -- did you have a follow-up question?
MS: follow-up comment
I still think if this Ccl grants variances that a piece of land, creating a higher value, then the public shd hv a right to share in the increased value of that land
if without those side variances cd only get four units of this width, then that fifth unit obviously enhanced value for the devpr; public shd be entitled to share through the CBs in the uplifted value of that land
Mayor: we can debate that but the question might be, why is there no CB required of this DPA
Sokol: CAC typically linked to a rezoning.  That is our policy and in the prov enabling legislation
Since not a rezoning here and not an increase in the number of units b/c they are allowed to do the .9FAR, pre-zoning with the variances or not, so therefore there's no CAC.

{G@:  IMHO, Sokol is misleading Council here. While the provincial legislation permits councils to specifically mandate CACs in zoning bylaws, councils are also able to request voluntary CACs on rezoning AND variances and neither form of voluntary CACs requires enabling legislation.}

[7:26] Mayor: are you saying prov legislation wdn't allow it?  b/c not a rezoning or not our prerogative, or both?
Sokol: both; CACs that are allowed for are tied to density bonusing
        {This has been queried by a resident so we'll seek clarification.}
Sop: how many zones are in a similar position?
Sokol: several but don't have exact number; duplex area and other zones based on FAR
Sop: how is it fair to consider certain sites paying a fair amt to CBs and amenities, and some in same area exempt?
Sokol: value of CAC depends on what it is zoned; in this case zoned for town homes, .9FAR, and that's what this proposal is calling for
Sop: a bit of a surprise when we looked at this is the Cmnty Amenity Contribution as an upzoning or an uplift of the prop
here find out b/c of zoning no consideration for a Cmnty Benefit and there is a devt, going to allow a devpr to go in that position, and I'm asking, if in fact there's going to be more of those coming forth, then we shd be apprised of those, and maybe we shd start altering the rules
Mayor: okay, so right now the idea of fairness is also probably toward the applicant, looking at the zone and the FAR, that is really what governs that piece of property but, we can have that debate, but I'm just wondering -- Mr Sokol, can you provide more clarity beyond what you've already told us, a couple of times
Sokol: No, in this specific instance, the zoning allows for this type of devt
{G@: not quite -- it may allow this "type" of development but it does not allow this actual development -- else why would they need a variance to proceed if allowed by the zoning?}
Sop: with variances that allow five townhouses on this site and the site coverage, how is it any different from a larger site with a monster house? this is a smaller site, completely covered -- this is a monster house on a small site.  It's all building.  Everybody complains about the monster houses, and here we have the same scenario.  We have a v large massing on a small lot
Sokol: they cd actually propose an apt tower at an FSR of 1.75 and they're not, they're proposing townhomes at .9
Again, that wd be something that wd be allowed by the zoning and therefore our policy does not call for us to negotiate a CAC with the devt.
Mayor: any further questions? receive for information, then put motion on floor to debate the merits of the devt
[Receipt CARRIES]
then motion
TP moved: THAT the Devt Permit Applic, which would allow for five townhouse units with ten underground parking spaces with variances to reduce yard setbacks, be approved.
TP continues: I think this is really good project on balance, a cmnty benefit cd be respectful and sensitive to that site, providing adequate parking always an issue in that area ... raingarden corner, silver rating, all positives
aware of sizes, approp, speaks to West Coast Modernism; proposal I can support moving forward
re CAC, I think we are fair and go by the policy this Ccl adheres to
Ev, seconder: re prop line, with these variances it actually improves what is allowed; emphasis has to be on what is allowed
it's zoned for this kind of devt and with these variances we're going to get a better product, so I'm in favour
        {er, um --  needs clarification; if allowed then no variances wd be needed, hm?}
MS: project looks good to me, definitely a need for this housing
some of the comments miss the point
an applicant has come forward with five signif variations from current zoning in order to make a better project wch  obviously, presumably, unless you're totally thick, wd result in a higher selling price for the applicant
makes logical sense to me that if cmnty is going to allow five major variances, including site coverage including zero lot-line on one side, then public shd be entitled to share in the enhanced value that's being created by those variances
Mr Sokol says under our current policy there's no CAC applicable, well that doesn't stop staff from saying, if you want to come forward with a proposal that's going to allow you to build a better project, there's nothing that I can think of that wd prevent a devpr from saying, and if Ccl approves it, I'm going to offer some CBs in return for that approval
We don't necessarily need a policy for that, that's just a matter of, I think, good neg by staff
we are granting five variances and there shd be some consideration, just logical
{G@:  exactly! The CACs received from the Hollyburn Mews development, as paltry as they were, were negotiated on a voluntary basis with the developer without requiring any enabling provincial legislation. The same negotiation of a voluntary CAC could also be done with a variance. The issue is not whether or not CACs can be requested but whether the benefit from the variance is sufficient to justify any CACs.}
ML: I think we're mixing issues here
we have a set of enabling legislation, policies, and procedures we followed in this situation
this is v diff from devt we had across from church -- it was clearly rezoned, increased in market value, and there was a CAC associated with it
this devpr has bought prop already had been through zoning process; quite likely had it been a comparable prop to the three lots across from the United Church its purchase value wd hv bn much less than what he paid for this prop
I think we're mixing issues here and I don't dispute for a minute that we as a cmnty in certain instances are entitled to and shd receive a cmnty amenity
in a way, we sort of already got it, so I have a little bit of trouble
I really do think too getting to the point anybody who comes in for a variance for a garage, don't think we're suggesting we're going to ask for a cmnty amenity benefit of some sort associated with that....

{G@:  No, we're not mixing issues and your mention of a variance for a garage is a red herring and straw man argument. The difference between a rezoning and a development variance is that a variance applies to a particular building (and lapses when the building is demolished), while a rezoning applies to the land and is permanent. A variance can change any zoning restriction except density and use -- a rezoning can change those also. Both can affect the value of the development and therefore ought to be considered for voluntary CACs. Whether or not this variance has a sufficiently significant increase in this development's value to warrant a meaningful CAC is a separate matter.}

a project that results in a better project, may be good/better for the devpr but we don't know that
an alternative design that met the same criteria, hypothetically cd hv enjoyed the same selling price
We're mixing things, if we want to have a discussion wrt to CAC shd have it, not in the context of this application
SW: almost don't have to say anything b/c that's exactly where I was going; don't think this is the devt to be discussing the CAC policy
do agree CAC policy needs to be addressed b/c it's flawed and we've had this discussion before, but this devt was zoned already and the policy is based on upzoning, not based on anything else
{G@:  while it is true the policy only mentions CACs related to land value increase from rezoning, it does not prohibit CACs for variances -- and if a variance can also increase land value why not consider it?}
and if we're going to talk about variances, back to Cclr Lewis's point, if we're giving variances for add'l height on monster houses up in the Properties

{are we? is DWV? why? when?  they're precedents? sure does need a review then!}

are we going to start charging indiv sgl-fam {home}owners CACs? and I don't think we wd
contain the debate, good project, rather than waste precious Ccl and public time; just call the question and move on to the next
Sop: I haven't spoken yet
Mayor: she knows that
Sop: I agree with Cclr Smith, just put it back in the right direction
we have this horseshoe here, democracy in action for all you folks
talk about it surround it; talked tonight about cmnty contribution
we were informed doesn't apply to this particular site, maybe it shd in the future
consideration coming out of this; I hope staff will present us with all the zones that are going to contain that variable so we have some information coming in to this or any other devt in the future
as far as this site is concerned, it's well done.  I still have feelings much like Cclr Smith when you give site coverage and suddenly there's variances to make it work -- where are we at with that?
they cd do another design, and come up with no variances -- why didn't staff propose that?
I was asking Mr Sokol, tyvm, Cclr Walker
Mayor: well--
Sop: I was asking Mr Sokol that
did staff do a summation? -- you can have coverage but do it in a diff way so you don't do variances
Sokol: reason this is before you b/c staff believes it's better with the variances than without
Mayor: anything further?
Sop: well, I do but, you know; I'm fine; go ahead
Mayor: I'm going to support it b/c I think there's a real distinction between a rezoning and granting variances
        {G@:  not necessarily, as mentioned above}
I think the public understands that the value of rezoning accrues to the public by giving its authority to Ccl to upzone a property, but a variance -- in my experience in WV -- the reason we have so many is b/c it allows us to do a better job than what wd be standard issue; that's not really what contributes to the cmnty
{G@:  The above makes no sense whatsoever. The value of rezoning accrues to the developer, not the public, which is the entire rationale for CACs in the first place. And if one is trying to argue that variances results in a better development, isn't that a contribution of some sort to the community? Entirely muddled thinking by the Mayor.}
        {Your WVM Editor adds: that's not typical of the Mayor.}
looking at the three justifications for the proposed siting, one: preserve existing views -- we're worrying about the view of the towers, not the low-slung five units.  That is accommodating and fitting the nbrhd
Secondly, create backyard patios for the townhouses by increasing the gardens, the yard; that is a value too for person wishing to live there,
{isn't that what Cclr Sm said?}
and the desirability of that
Three, relate townhouses to the street -- that respects the nbrhd context and the public realm in WV
the townhouses themselves are within the allowable site coverage but the parking structure increases that
certainly parking always a concern in Amb
I think in fairness to the applicant, he has tried to work within what exists wrt the zoning and wrt the FAR -- that doesn't happen v often

{G@:  What!?!?! Is the Mayor really suggesting that construction in WV rarely happens within the zoning and legally mandated FAR? Is she really suggesting that we commend this developer for working within the zoning because so many others simply break it? More muddled thinking.}

and it's considered the context v well
and it's considered 1.3 in our strategic plan wch is to encourage diversity in housing, land use, and innovative infrastructure
I'm in support of this and I think judging from the lack of pro or con concerns in the cmnty, it probably meets with acceptance of the cmnty
PASSES  with Sop and Smith opposed [7:41]
9. Youth Services Review Findings: Final Report (File:  0117-20-YSR)
                PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Anne Mooi: thank xxx, xxx, etc;  Cclr Smith
extensive cmnty consultation; past eight months; here and broad
POWERPOINT / www.westvancouver.ca/youth  /  Youth Services review, ages 11 and 18
western region has limited xxx for youth
timely access needed; annual monitoring, hand over to X
X: [7:52  SLIDES; suggest you watch!]
vote what like the best [sic] {most}
KMC [7:56]
Ev: commend you; xxxx
have a question about the proposed new person
in your report, a person who can enable, etc; I'm nervous that this person may be or appear, another bureaucrat; you haven't laid out what you'll be achieving -- a biz case?
b/c our tally, our payroll is whatever it is and this will be one more person
got to be ensuring xxxx maybe tell us a little more
AM: currently little {few} resources youth; understaffed in West
provide more volunteer opps for youth
we don't have the current existing resources now
we have two out of AYCtr and xxxxx and xxxx
so we are limited so if we want to move forward and provide more services to you then we require more services
Mayor: questions?
ML: concern too about the absence of info I'm asked to make a decision on
I hear three persons and supervisor -- not a span for a supervisor
don't know xxx, duties, etc
gotta be really honest; always suspicious when titles change from...... usually means a higher salary band
more comf with a one year or a contract employee
Mayor: a lot of questions
ML: want to get them out
see $81K av there, looks cd be funded on a one-year basis
all qualify under section B of the bylaw
I just, I need more information
not against you, as someone with the fiscal and fiduciary resp to the citizens, need more info
Mayor: so cd come forth with 2012 Budget
Cclr Sm is involved in this and know you have a lot to say
Cclr Sop and X?, then to Cclr Sm
Sop: lots but same
SW: me too?
Mayor: motion and think we can take them all
MS moved [read all five parts]: THAT
1.   Parks and Community Services staff be directed to take action to implement the six "Key Strategic Directions" identified in the report dated July 7, 2011 regarding "Youth Services Review Findings: Final Report" (pages 6-8) as priorities from the Youth Services Review;
2.   Council direct staff to bring forward, in the 2012 Budget submission, one additional full time Youth Development Worker position as part of the ongoing budget for Parks and Community Services in the amount of $75,000 (inclusive of benefits) to start January 1, 2012 to enable the District to meet the underserved needs of youth in the western half of the community;
3.   Council authorize staff to bring forward bylaws to expend $15,000 annually for a five-year period (2012 -2016) from the Youth Activity Fund to provide increased programming that will support the healthy development of youth in WV;
4.   Council direct staff to look at long term planning options for the revitalization of the Ambleside Youth Centre based on a joint funding model with community partners. The vision of 'Ambleside Youth Place' is for a multi-use facility to serve a broad range of youth activities and services;
5.   Council direct staff to establish a Youth Services Review Implementation Group comprised of community stakeholders (youth, parents, external partners, and internal partners) to ensure the six "Key Strategic Directions" identified in the Youth Services Review are implemented; and
6.   Council direct staff to bring forward an annual progress report containing key performance indicators, which demonstrates how West Vancouver is moving forward with the delivery of Youth Services.
MS: [listed staff and mbrs;] worked v hard on this
finally providing needed services for youth in the cmnty; not been the focus of WV
xxxxx told me, it's all about grey power; they get attn and youth don't
..... grow up in a complex world and they require services and can't provide services without ppl; this just requires one person and will provide more than just one body........
Anne Mooi and I toured the Youth Ctr and his budget for programming at AYC is $1K for a year and if he wants something he has to go to PkRoyal
increased funding for xxx
want to thank again those who worked hard on this project
Sop: v supportive of this
Kids can xxx [8:07]; countless progs; your highlights through the year, dances, etc
what are we missing? perhaps a place of their own? don't think they've been served badly
Know Mr Krawczyk, looked after 1700 pupils as he was a principal
parents going to make them great in the future?
are we missing youth and senior, youth and older, value of wisdom of older (listening)?
maybe better under Cmnty Ctrs Society
Mayor: xxx
AM: one of the things we have not done the best thing of
other Ms ..... bring all the services together, ..... not an intentionally coordinated approach
recommended to achieve a coordinated service model, a childcare hub
youth and families have access to services; we can do that in a better way but working with our partners, inside and outside; formal agreements
responsibilities -- first goal of WG
solidify relationships so know what roles and responsibilities are; most effective and efficient way of doing that.
[8:11] Sop: youth with challenges; AYC down there a large didn't attend
prov shd be moving in helping us with youth who are challenged
where does that fit in?
AM: by xxx ... youth have diverse needs and they change
by having coordinated, won't fall through the gaps; better able to support youth
Sop: partners -- prov govt?
AM: possible we cd leverage through grants
Mayor: I wholeheartedly support this b/c have been on this in a way for a long time
we turned down an expensive consultant and said to staff you can do this and new Sch Dist wd be a strong partner
[8:13] xxx and we've done this ourselves, so thank you for that
wrt add'l staff person, when this comes to budget discussions, ML good questions
at moment not good reporting
provides a strong rationale; we have an increasingly strong xxx, strong relationships; expect their leadership as well
new health facility great; happy to partner as a conduit
wishing to move away from support -- lead them away
xxxx, survey in Sept -- want
protecting envmt and supporting our youth; thought it wd be bylaws; real commitment
what we're being asked to do is a beginning and expect you'll be coming back to us with xxx
did ask AYC and they said like it the way it is
has to fulfil the expectations of that cmnty not xxx wch might not be right
SW: don't want rec #2 to go forward in this manner
Sch Bd to share?  contract position? I worry again, sliding these in, $75K
Youth Devt Worker doesn't sound like mgmt but pay does
come forward with xxxx
Mayor: wording
SW: further description and xxx; biz case and job description
if you have partnerships, SchDist natural
MS: wd hope ev dollar in budget wd have a sound biz case; if that's required, xxxx
SW: just spells out the intent
Mayor: if friendly no need to amend
MS: I'm a v friendly person
Sop: I'm a v friendly person
Mayor: in favour?
Sop: speaking to No 2
Mayor: if friendly, no need to debate
Ev: little bit more info about how this is going to support health and devt
why a five-year timeframe? too far ahead?
AM: reason five years is b/c strategic directions based on five years; report back annually for five years
$15K prog support b/c minimal prog dollars -- dances to be planned, equipment to be rented, etc, will enhance
Mayor: that will come back to us as well of course
TP: support as well, clear to have a work plan
b/c on grant cmte, good to have xxx; good to have that little fund av
synergies with sports field master plan
being on Lib Bd as well, having a dedicated teen space
all in cmnty survey; it did include seniors too; need that in our cmnty
reflecting on how incredible our youth are
support and facilitate our youth b/c sometimes gets missed and we don't pay attention we need to,
just thinking of Rockridge Ripple Effect and work Streamkeepers, and photo in UN
look forward to this being part of the submission for Budget 2012
10. Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report (File:  3006-01) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
{This is detailed, complicated, and far-ranging so I'd suggest the best thing to do is to watch/listen to it.  The item number and timestamps will help in finding where on the tape it is.}
BL: can't even begin to xxx...
the spirit of WV in our cultural services
past and this Ccl, permissive zoning on Argyle; focus on great progs we're running
Urban Arts, v competent advisory
introduce Jennifer Marshall of Urban Arts

{think JM used to be on the Design Review Panel; her company Urban Arts Architecture did the (27-page?) study you'll see included in this item; and was told she was the one who did the art consulting for AmbNOW for ~$55K.  She's competent and pleasant, no doubt talented, knowledgeable, and motivated................}

and Merla Beckerman
MBeckerman: honour to speak on part of xxx; we in turn xxx.....
give what we deserve
no one speaks more eloquently than Gordon Smith -- here's his msg
{[8:30] video clip with Gordon Smith; will try to find it and give the URL so we can see it separately rather than watching this whole item.}
JM: tired of talking; want to get it done ...
realize the art ctr, coming back in the fall
consolidate; asking for permission to share our vision with cmnty as we go forward with HAF
consolidate arts services; create net public open space, more positive; sustainable and capital funding
where are we now?
a lot [of studies?] -- Arts 2006, Museum 2008, 2010 approval of plan
arts facility advisory put together with museum study
30% space saving by coming together of those
met with Ccl in camera to get some feedback
(hm. M land, M facilities -- how qualify as in camera or why was mtg/presentation not done in public?}
met at events
come back to Ccl to go out to cmnty to raise funds to make it happen
principles of West Coast Modernism
{[8:35] will try to get text}
meet learn make in spirit of the arts
new arts our cmnty's creative home
arts cenre -- Gordon Smith home diagram slide
indiv institutions coming together: Museum, FBG, Silk Purse, and [Music Box?]
exhibition, education performance retail on the waterfront
world class site and hope to have world class facilities
unprecedented; we've done such a poor job as Canadians as [8:37]
priv cottages, return it to public
cmnty cultural spaces [SLIDE]
waterfront become completely public -- gathering place cmnty facilities
one of the three legs of the xxx [strategy?]
help revitalize Amb
acting high street is the waterfront, then create N-S -- commercial core
will preserve and enhance existing landmarks -- Navvy Jack House, etc
connecting to existing routes, trails, vehicular, etc to waterfront walkways
recognize limited parking -- looking at parking sharing; Safeway site, 1300blk site; alternate use times
variety of spaces along the waterfront: John Lawson, Millennium, Ambleside Landing (boat might come from Granville Island or Science World or UBC; water connection)
Bellevue [WA] holds one art weekend and raises funding for the entire year
developable sites -- in blue, free to use at this point {points to various other places, Sweeney building}
not asking, have come to consensus with the advisory
[8:45] criteria are:
  capacity for facility to be a destination
  support to masses thinking of ...
  xxx spectrum of (all have been examined; will share that in detail with you when we come back in the fall)
  allow for activation of the waterfront?
  expansion capacity; core, natural setting
gateway art ctr on tennis courts, too xxx
looked at putting all facilities together, Option D
waterfront art ctr, and sailing ctr, raised political issues
looked at putting bulk in 1300blk but felt not optimal; wd hv a hard time fundraising in someone else's bldg
not that we're to look a gift horse in the mouth
Option B but keeping Silk Purse, and pier (A?)
theme: living room of the cmnty
creation of an arts village -- the length of the Argyle waterfront
Lawson Studios already started, the tenants of Klee Wyck already there

{when was this decision made and who made it?}

expansion of Silk Purse, a permanent stage to John Lawson Park
Godfrey's house a stop along the way
fusion of Cmnty Arts and Museum in a Visual Arts Facility and [8:49] xxx
arts plaza and an education piece with cafe and xxx
animates the waterfront, destination for the cmnty in the region; heart of cmnty
xxx ... capacity for organic growth; gathering both indoor and outdoor; locations
allows for flexibility, expansion capacity
where arts has already staked it claim
great connection with 1300blk; parking cd be shared
foreshore restoration plan; [FBG?] moved to the end of the pier; history
gateway to waterfront  and potential gateway to Ambleside
two options
1  education piece -- Arts Village at the Pier
2  ed piece not on the pier -- lining on Argyle more about a waterfront walkway
more about the art institutions themselves
asking permission to be able to form a society
we are a series, an adv, reps from all those institutions
asking to create a devt bd, the get-it-done bd
an advisory to transition the institutions from individs to an operating
working synergistically together -- what that looks like has to be worked on, framework, details
how are we going to pay for this?
capital costs are v little compared with operating costs
[example: x raised capital but] 18 mos later closed the doors 35Ksf; ...xxx
will not be going forward without those operating dollars
funding concepts [8:55]
land, capital, and operating costs
{SLIDE has funding source matrix}
majority of funds from private donations; some on advisory feel not a huge stretch
our job to present a compelling case to do so
operating: currently existing op funds from the District
proposed endowment from other District lands the M has
... xxx how they now xxx ...
partnerships on project basis; private donations for exhibitions and projects
Arts Ctr itself, retail rev, edu, facility rentals (probably booked 24/7 365), thru mbrships (currently none)
the End Fund will be another key component to fill the bottom of the iceberg

{depiction of iceberg, 9/10 submerged; hence my quoting at PQP of African saying ears/hippo}

back in Sept with draft report and final report in October
next steps, sound and sustainable biz case for Ccl
framework, asking Ccl to join with us
MB: exciting, doable, needed; think we have a critical mass that will support us
we're sure lots of questions; sure you'll be sharing with xxx; thank you for coming together
much loved, treasured, yet straining -- not able to attend packed FBG shows
arts shown at the museum ...  challenge when loves ev too much...
look what we did with the Library in 80s, est of Lib Fdn, continues successful and better endowed
as well as [9:01]
when you take this forward and I certainly support you
integrity of facilities and xxx
when Ccl began in 1975, acquiring those lots [along waterfront]
that waterfront had to be part of xxx
public space that livens and xxx along MDr
sure Ambleside, one is commercial revit and the other the parks and the arts for all
helping us xxx; know it's being led by the ppl
Comments? put motion on the floor then discussion
[9:03] Ev made motion: THAT
1. The preliminary arts facilities concepts and plans as set out in the report dated July 12, 2011 regarding "Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report" be provided for public input throughout the summer;
2. Staff return in the fall of 2011 with a Draft Arts Facility Strategy incorporating public feedback on the Interim Arts Facility Strategy Update: Arts in Ambleside as attached to the report dated July 12, 2011 regarding "Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report"; and
3. Staff initiate the process to form an Arts Society, and develop draft terms of reference for a [citizen-led] Arts Society Board for Council's consideration.
Ev: can't say better than Gordon Smith; fortunate; Sept; move forward
ML: congratulate you on putting forward a report that makes a lot of sense; long time coming
... going to be a biz case; lacking -- prev endeavours haven't
looking forward to hearing what the public has to say in Sept; v short period for public engagement
ANS: since 1973?
JM: Aldrich Pears waterfront study; taken those words and wisdom; want to take it out to Harmony
friends and family
at evening on Wed night
     {what mtg/event was this? any publicity? or was it the Amb Revit Comm?}
next steps
ML: not asking you to preach to converted -- to 44K
the wonder you can make the web, xxx ... longest time
Mayor: this is actually our public process; hired Jennifer to bring it to ...

{probably reference to the $55K paid from AmbNOW budget for consulting re public art referred to at the last ccl mtg}

Ccl cd call a town hall mtg in Sept; not a [ccl mtg?] not far-reaching enough to make a decision
can assure that by Wxxx
Sop: don't care from 1973, it's now 2011; make sure all [I]s dotted and [T]s crossed
initiative on the waterfront; precinct and ownership
owned by 44K ppl, inviting you to place some xxx there; walkway and gathering place
time and millions of $$ to acquire
once Society formed, looking at ownership by a select few
walk by; I'm an arts guy like xxx
where's the inviting
        come in?
what's going to be different, uniquely diff for all who arrive?
an awful lot of work into this
don't want to see anyone take ownership of the waterfront
want to see it homogenized
congratulate you on your vision
do you hv a Plan B
say that in a loving way
Arts and cultural aspect I can understand
what really does a museum stand for and what does it offer?
capital and operating, beautiful  example -- Maggie space and xxx
[9:11] Mayor: but Kay Meek had the Millions
Sop: years later coming to ... allows everybody
how do you expect to homogenise that?
operating costs; administration areas
other than walking into a bldg seeing beautiful paintings and admiring them
what is the advantage? and op costs?
hope you'll come back with a report, Ms Leemhuis
congratulate you on your efforts
TP: rewarding them; parks, arts, our heritage; more vitality
in reading this today and doing a little bit of research
21st Century, creative, xxx
power that we have heard already having just been on the Homes Tour
for me, creating vitality is one of the most xxx elements of a xxx [9:14]
wish to be better and to thrive; going forward to next steps.
MS: had a question about the third recommendation -- form a society?
devt board and governing bd?  not a fan of Russian xxx
maybe not get further ahead if a citizen-led rather than Ccl direction
v little direction from Ccl, running hard to do it
time has come to free up our citizens to do a job
sit back and wait for them to come forward with a biz xxx
12-person advisory
why not form a Society, call it what you will rather than wait for Ccl to come forward
days of Big Brother over
instead of waiting for a magic bullet apparently been waiting for since 1973
hope move ahead in a xxx way
Mayor: saw when read
say staff support b/c these are M facilities....  needs to have support from us
have you wording?
MS: staff begin a process to begin forming a xxx
Mayor: staff support a --
MS: staff
Mayor: want to get words right
{[9:18] MS suggests wording}
Mayor:  ....
ML: staff support a citizen-led process; citizen board; at some point in the future
CAO: wording?
Mayor: have wording, Ms Scholes?
SSch: will get it from you
Mayor: comment on amendment only
Sop: ideas; don't have a negative position on a Society; what does it say wrt what has been stated tonight; a go ahead?
Mayor: asking to come back; reaffirming citizen-led, rather than Ccl-driven
Sop: no qualms wrt to Society in future but want to at least hear from public, their position on this whole thing, not a fait accompli
Mayor: whole intent is for public input and return to Ccl; can vote on this separately
on amendment itself?
Sop: is to form a society
Mayor: No, it's stating to--
Sop: ask them to move forward to form a society
Mayor: I'd like Cclr L to read it again
ML: staff support a citizen-led process {another version of wording}, draft TofRef for Ccl's future consideration
Sop: once form arts society, folks great; then presentation to Ccl on what Society's future views are on the Amb presentation tonight?
Mayor: just a second; Cclr Smith wants to get in, but you don't have to answer that question b/c it's our Ccl debate and Cclr Sop, we're asking about a process, draft TofRef that comes back to Ccl.
I'm going to call the question on the amendment then.
in favour? opposed?
Sop: well, I'm not going to oppose it, we're moving along but you didn't answer my question; tyvm
Mayor: sorry you cdn't understand it
Sop: Well, I do understand it but I didn't get an answer to my question
Mayor: we're supporting a citizen-led process
Sop: no, you're not; you haven't answered my question
Mayor: of course, we are; on the speaking order
SW, with little chuckle: all I'll say is thank you so much for bringing this together
yes; amazes me of the amt [sic] of studies, somehow get lost
finally in last three years something
finally this one ....  so thank you
Ev: it was said owned by a select few; no, this is a public facility
MS: imp to know citizens don't need Ccl for citizens to form a society
Mayor: xxx
MS: if an arts society wants, they're free to do so
Mayor: I agree but two steps; fundraising piece crucial
better coordinating our M staff; synergy there, much higher xxx
Sop: that was my concern and you answered it perfectly
11. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4675, 2011 (Schedule 7 - Fire and Rescue Permits and Services - Attendance to False Fire Alarms) (File:  1610-20-4675/2730-02)
        RECOMMENDED:  be read a first, second, and third time.
NL: surveyed other Ms; recommending option one.
{charge increases with each successive} $200; 2, 3, 4,
Sop: ... what's the fee?
NL: seeking to eliminate the charge
Sop: obligated to attend a false alarm?
NL: Scott?
DepFire Chief: not familiar but expect we do
Ev: alarmed 597 false alarms [for a year]; coming up to two a day; restructuring expecting it will go down
DFC: of those 600, some valid; only way you can reduce it is through education
[9:29] PASSED
12. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4679, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4679)
This bylaw received first reading June 20 and was the subject of a PH held and closed on July 4.
        RECOMMENDED: be read second and third time.
13. [Five-]Year Financial Plan Budget Amendment Bylaw No. 4693, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4693)
ML: went around this a fair bit last mtg; really behooves us to be as transparent as possible
big issue the AmbNOW; staff come before Ccl on a monthly basis what spent, remain.....
important it be restated
NL: also a request that the monthly reports follow the same format as the xxx has been done
Sop: nothing xxx
MS: helpful to have a motion enshrining this be done
NL: was a request but was not a resoln
Mayor: and I did speak with the CAO this morning; vote on this then a followup motion
{ADOPTED with two opposed (MS Sop)}
ML: ah
MS: age before beauty again
ML: I move report on a monthly basis on financial plan -- how do you want to word it?
NL: expenditures for past month, proposed for next month
Mayor: month and forecast
ML: spent so far and going to spend next moth
SSch: think I have it
        {reads out proposed motion}
Ev: do we need a monthly mtg?
Mayor: Ccl mtg
CAO: coming months?
ML: spent in past month and next 30 days
CAO: and coming month
MS: if you want to give next three months, that wd be fine too
Mayor: read it back to us
{SSch did -- watch for it when minutes come out Monday}
Mayor: further discussion
[9:36] Sop: we haven't decided to xxx {PSB?}; why that money now?
Mayor: motion on the floor is on AmbNow
Sop: $3M and financials
if we're going to get a monthly report, see what's spent and accept that
can't accept $3 to $5M down the road
need an architect for the bldg next door -- rest is down the road
Mayor: in favour of monthly reporting
ALL  [9:37]
14. Firearm Regulation Bylaw No. 4686, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4686/1605-01)
15. Consent Agenda Items  --  considered separately or in one recommendation.
15.1. Change to 2011 Acting Mayor Schedule (File:  0120-01)
    RECOMMENDED:  amended to appoint Cclr Soprovich as Acting Mayor for Sept 2-5, 2011 inclusive.
15.2. Development Application Status List (to July 13, 2011) (File:  1010-01)
        RECOMMENDED:  received for information.
15.3. Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File:  0120-24)
Council Correspondence Update to June 30, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to July 8, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.   B. Adie, June 22, 2011, regarding Gertrude Lawson House
                (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
2.   G. Pajari, July 3, 2011, regarding Problems with Public Hearing/Public Meeting related to OCP Amendment and Rezoning on Esquimalt
        (Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
3.   S. Iverach, July 4, re Ambleside Revitalization [ie not selling and Uplift]
                (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
4.   A. McFarlane, July 6, 2011, re Inconsiderate Twits (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and TransLink Priority Bus Lane Traffic Concerns)
                (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
5.   Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
     - Ambleside Revitalization Commission - May 2; Finance Committee - May 30
{Please read the minutes of these two mtgs; critical information on devt, process, taxation, District finances, budget planning, etc.}
6.   City of North Vancouver, June 16 and 30, re Increased Service at Seabus and A New Energy Vision for Canada
7.   Two submissions dated June 7 and 11, re Rezoning of 2031, 2047, and 2063 Esq/Hollyburn Mews
        {The second has my comments re process wrt this devt.}
8.   Nine submissions dated July 1-6, re Proposed Ambleside Redevt (1300 Block Marine Dr and Safeway Site)
{Against selling land for AmbNOW studies, several supporting Pajari's Ccl comments and NSNews letter decrying selling land to build structures (wch will deteriorate).}
9.   M. Salvador, Dundarave Business Assn, July 6, re 2436 Haywood Avenue Proposed Devt
Council Correspondence Update to July 12, 2011 (up to 4:30 pm)
Just added to Correspondence on the DWV website AFTER the Agenda had been put up so here's the latest!
Referred for Action
(1)     G. Pajari, July 8, 2011, regarding Community Amenity Contribution Calculations
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
     {Good question so we know policy and can avoid the wide range recently presented.}
(2)     D. Dansey, July 9, 2011, regarding West Vancouver Bus Noise
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3)     J. Smith, July 10, 2011, regarding 1300 Block (Proposed Ambleside Redevelopment)
(4)     J. Walker, July 11, 2011, regarding Development Permit Application for 1991 Inglewood Avenue
(5)     A. McFarlane, July 12, 2011, regarding Response to Mr. Fung's Letter (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and Translink Priority Bus Lane)
       {Amusing as in well-written and trying to focus on the problem, serious accident potential.}
(6)     E-Comm 911, July 13, 2011, regarding Link to 2010 Annual Report to the Community
(7)     C. Reynolds, July 15, 2011, regarding Ccl Minutes July 4, Items 15.3(1) and Item 18
{This completes/clarifies my comments at the July 4 ccl mtg; also has G Polman's excellent five questions re AmbNOW planning/expenditures since they do not appear in Ccl's minutes (see Updates and Info at beginning).}
16.  OTHER ITEMS:  No items. [9:38]
MS: mtg first Th in July of the MetroV Labour Board; DNV has suddenly realized the ship's deck is tilting alarmingly -- and has served notice to withdraw
don't think CNV yet realizes ship has left the dock yet
Point needs to be made for Mr McRadu, wind up, one foot out the door
a lot of windup costs being allocated; hope you push our cause aggressively
ML: pleasure to attend on behalf of M&Ccl Sunday, an awards ceremony by the Iranian cmnty in cmnty rm at PkR
v impressed over last several years disbursed $66K in $1K scholarships to students primarily from the NSh
they provide a battery of services, 14 or 15, wch facilitate and encourage integration of new immigrants; enjoyable
power outage, went dark; didn't dampen
TP: congratulate WV Museum for v successful Home Tour; 250 spots cd easily hv had 300; outstanding
imp to acknowledge those who open up their homes for the day
Mayor: Rebecca Aldous, who is in our gallery every night, reporting for the Outlook, is moving to the Sq Chief
We wd like to thank you for your interest in civic affairs, and your balanced and fair reporting
particularly as someone who has grown up in WV
we've always appreciated the depth that you cd provide and we wish you all the best in your position
thank you; welcome
{comment from gallery, probably RA, to laughter but cdn't hear}
BL: that's the first time I've heard that said sincerely
Mayor: yeah
CR:  came much more quickly than I thought!
just a few questions, as I was listening--
The monthly report that you were just referring to, may I ask when the last one was and when the next one will be.

{(referring to the AmbNOW reports on expenditures)
No answer to this at the mtg but the Dir/Fin said there'd be a report at the next mtg and as you see that item is on the agendas for July 25th.}

The next question
On the website you have the agenda for July 25, but it's really just headings, like agenda, minutes, and things like that -- so will there be a more detailed agenda coming out on Thursday?
Mayor: we just had a mtg about that this morning; we're going as fast as we can.  When will that be finalized?
MClk: it is not an agenda on the website; it is a notice of mtg and the agenda will be published on Thursday as is our usual practice
CR: great, tyvm
another thing, you'll have the summer to work about this; thought I'd get it out now
a lot of the WGs, the minutes are not on the website--
Mayor: the notes you mean?
CR: yes, the notes, sorry, tyvm
Last June I asked about the Climate Action WG b/c there hadn't been any minutes
{yikes, did it again! of course I meant notes; notes for WGs, minutes for cmtes.  Same purpose though.}
since the previous October of 2009; then I asked again in October, last fall.  They still weren't ready,
{well, not posted at least}
and I've just looked again today, and they're still not. 
So, something maybe you wd like to work on -- how, someone to make sure, if it's not the ccl liaison making sure that the notes for their own WG are up there, maybe it's one of those executive salutes
{to illustrate, arms crossed fingers pointing in opposite directions}
everybody thinks someone else is doing it
Mayor: ultimately that wd be the responsibility of Anne Mooi, Dir/Parks, so we'll leave that with you to follow up on?
AM: thank you
Mayor: thank you
CR: thank you
In October Cclr Panz pointed to the CAO--
Mayor: well, that's what [word unintelligible/inaudible]
CR: just let me know
Now, when I was going through the agendas, I happened to be looking at something in NV, can't remember whether City or District, but they do something that I think it might be interesting for WV to consider.
They have in camera mtgs and on the January 22 mtg last year

{whoops, my mistake or misreading my notes.  It was JUNE of 2010 and it was DNV; will send correction to M&Ccl (and CAO).}

they bring forward to Ccl the motions that were passed at the in camera mtgs, so obviously not all of them, excuse me, cd you, but it wd be probably v interesting to have that openness and transparency that things you passed in camera--
Mayor: as part of our procedure is that we make a motion to release everything we possibly can, when we can
CR: I haven't seen an item that says "these motions were passed in camera" so maybe
if that cd be done

{I'll ask for an instance; maybe also ascertain what the item will be called or how referred to}

The next thing
-- great ideas for the Arts in Ambleside, vision today, quite exciting, and she was talking about the tip of the iceberg.
These things, in Africa they have a saying that's similar, it's "the ears of the hippo", just a little more than sometimes we think
{I shd hv said a lot more.  An iceberg has 9/10 submerged but the hippo's body is many, many more times bigger than its ears so a lot more hidden........}
so we're all getting excited about the Harmony Arts Festival wch is starting on the 29th
the RoyalTea-by-the-Sea is August 13th
Mayor: tyvm
19. ADJOURNMENT [9:50]

===  AGENDAs Monday July 25th  ===

July 25, 2011 Finance Committee Meeting Agenda 
3. = July 11, 2011 Unadopted Finance Committee Minutes 
for the unadopted minutes of the last Finance Cmte mtg (July 11); GREAT! really comprehensive:
and -- fantastic! -- they even have the reports!
4.1 =  AmblesideNow Expenditures Update 
Memo July 21 from Dir/Finance: AmblesideNOW June 30 Expenditures
4.2 =  Budget 2012 Timelines  {may have something to see in September!}
4.3 = PRESENTATION: Facilities Inventory and Maintenance Strategy for 2012 and Beyond
4.4 =  Update on Banking and Investment RFP
RFP for Investment Services {it's down to RBC Dominion Securities or Phillips, Hager, and North}

===  SPECIAL CCL MTG AGENDA (open at 7pm)  ===
Note: At 6pm the regular Ccl Mtg will commence in open session, immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public.  At 7pm the open session will reconvene (in the Council Chamber).
6:00 PM
2. RECOMMENDED:  THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded ... under the following section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
d.  the security of the property of the municipality; and
e.  the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.
k.  negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
7:00 PM
6.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES  --  July 18, 2011 regular Council Meeting (to be provided).
            Posted July 22: http://www.westvancouver.ca/uploadedFiles/Your_Government/Agendas_and_Minutes/2011/July/11jul25-6.pdf
7. MyOwnSpace Housing Society, regarding Semi-Independent Housing for Young Adult Children with Developmental Challenges (File:  0055-01)
PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
        RECOMMENDED:  THAT Council thank MyOwnSpace Housing Society for the delegation
8. Kiwanis Lands - Kiwanis Seniors' Housing (900 Block of 21st Street) (File:  1010-01)
                        Information to be provided.
9. Cycling Network Implementation Plan Working Group (File:  1785-19)
THAT the creation of a CNI Plan WG, as proposed in the report from the Director, Engg and Transportation, dated July 18 be referred to the Community Engagement Committee.
10. Stratification of the New Duplex at 6619 and 6623 Nelson Avenue (File:  1010-20-11-027)
                THAT the proposed strata conversion of a duplex at 6619 and 6623 Nelson be approved.
11. Street Naming Request for Private Road on Lot 12 Plan BCP 41762 of Rodgers Creek Area 1: Highgrove Mews (File:  0115-20-SCN01)
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the new private road on the cluster housing site situated on Lot 12 Plan BCP 41762 of Rodgers Creek Area 1 be named "Highgrove Mews".
12. Road Ends and Beach Access Update (File:  2150-01-01)
THAT the staff action:
a) to document all District owned and waterfront road ends and beach access points, as set out in the report dated July 14, 2011 regarding "Road Ends and Beach Access Update"; and
b) to prepare a procedure for reviewing proposed future road/beach access end improvement
be added as a 2012 Cmnty Strategic Plan milestone in the Balanced Scorecard under Strategic Initiative 2.2.
13. AmblesideNow Budget Update (File:  0500-01)
                        Information to be provided by the Finance Committee.
14. Secondary Suites Update - July 2011 Report (File:  1610-20-4686/2515-02-03)
        the report dated July 15 from the Mgr, Bylaw and Licensing Services be received for information.
15. Ministry of Environment Approval of Metro Vancouver's Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management Plan (File:  0185-08-07)
         the report from the Director, Engg and Transportation dated July 18 be received for information.
16. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4679, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4679)
This bylaw received first reading at the June 20 Ccl Mtg, was the subject of a PH held and closed on July 4, and received second and third readings at the July 18 Cci Mtg.
17. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4675, 2011 (Schedule 7 - Fire and Rescue Permits and Services - Attendance to False Fire Alarms) (File:  1610-20-4675/2730-02)
This bylaw received first, second, and third readings at the July 18, 2011 Council Meeting.
18. Water Utility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4691, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4691)
At the July 4, 2011 Council Meeting, third reading of this bylaw was rescinded, the bylaw was amended, and then given third reading as amended.
19. Consent Agenda Items
19.1. Surplus Land - Unopened Road at 26th Street and Marine Drive - Public Consultation (File:  0510-04-20-2599 MARINE DRIVE)
THAT public notification of the potential sale and development of surplus land at 26th Street and Marine Drive as set out in the report dated July 13 be approved.
19.2. Development Permit Application No. 09-025 for Area 3 East of the Rodgers Creek Area (located north of Mulgrave School) (File:  1010-20-09-025)
RECOMMENDED:THAT the MClerk give notice that [this] DPA which provides for site development, subdivision, and single family house construction on the larger lots will be considered at the meeting of Council on Monday, September 19, 2011.
19.3. Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File:  0120-24)
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
                                       See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=32102
Council Correspondence Update to July 15, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) G. Pajari, July 8, 2011, regarding Community Amenity Contribution Calculations
                (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) D. Dansey, July 9, 2011, regarding West Vancouver Bus Noise
                (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) J. Smith, July 10, 2011, regarding 1300 Block (Proposed Ambleside Redevelopment)
(4) J. Walker, July 11, 2011, regarding Development Permit Application for 1991 Inglewood Avenue
(5) A. McFarlane, July 12, 2011, regarding Response to Mr. Fung's Letter (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and Translink Priority Bus Lane)
(6) E-Comm 911, July 13, 2011, regarding Link to 2010 Annual Report to the Community
(7) C. Reynolds, July 15, 2011, regarding Ccl Minutes July 4, Items 15.3(1) and Item 18
{Oh dear, I shd hv put the subjects so ppl wd know if a topic of interest.  If you ever compare the ccl minutes with my transcript you'll see the former is usually only a couple of sentences thus much is omitted.  The transcript captures most of what Ccl/ppl say. The first part expands the Ccl minutes to explain my remarks were about a process, since lack of, for considering Gertrude Lawson House, a designated heritage structure. (I was on Ccl at the time, the first Cclr for Heritage, and made the motion for designation).  At this time there is no Heritage Cclr/Cmte/WG.  Funds for Sports, Arts, Environment, and Heritage shd be assigned portions of Cmnty Benefits so a steady flow and not subject to Budget debates thus, in the case of Heritage, not risking losing assets from deterioration b/c no maintenance. Excerpts from the transcript of the July 4th ccl mtg provide more of what was said.  It touched on the PH (when on Ccl we were told no new info from anyone between sessions, ie not during adjournments) rules.  Further I queried the fact that there was no answer about the $950K LSF in January, only now and find for AmbNOW.
REALLY IMPORTANT: at the end is Garrett Polman's letter and his FIVE QUESTIONS still unanswered is provided for public information
The CAO's response to Garrett Polman's queries appears at the beginning under UPDATES and INFO, along with Polman's reply to the response.}
Council Correspondence Update to July 19, 2011 (up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - Finance Committee - June 27, 2011
(2) Union of BC Municipalities, July 13, 2011, regarding Reminder of Upcoming Application Deadline - 2011 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative.
This was put up in a way that, contrary to the previous cd NOT be copy and pasted so I've shortened and put in rather than go the OCR route:
Council Correspondence Update to July 22, 2011 (up to noon)
Referred for Action
(1)  D Pearce, July 16 re 1400block Clyde Parking Problems Continued  (referred to Dir/Planning)
Received for Information
(2) June 15 Bd of Variance mtg minutes
(3)  A McFarlane, July 17, re Park Royal's Scheme, Which Some on Council Approve (Light Controlled Pedestrian Crossings and Overpass)
(4) C. Reynolds, July 20, 2011, regarding 20110719-West Vancouver Community Calendanpdf
{the actual subject is Website Calendar / Mtg Info asking about procedures b/c sometimes info missing or notes of WG mtgs not posted so misleading, incomplete, etc.  Bizarre they'd put the title of the PDF attachment wch was only to prove/illustrate the point being made, a mtg held in June and that was not on the DWV Calendar and still isn't ....}
(5) Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada (Pacific Region), July 19, re Invitation to Second Annual Tai Chi on the Seawall - August 27
20.  OTHER ITEMS  --  No items.

Lion cub makes unlikely friend in cat
        [1:22 min]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8j8F68xrs&feature=relmfu          
===  INFObits  ===  Golf
from Pete McMartin in the VSun July 23:
Almost 6M Cdns play golf.  More of us play golf than hockey.  Per capita, Canada is among the world leaders in participation.
[Participation lagging, number of rounds down about 10%.]
The core group is aging.  The largest and fastest-growing group of golfers in Canada are males between 50 and 64.  By income, 64% of all golfers make over $50K.
Fastest shrinking category of golfer is those between the ages of 15 and 17.

===  PEACEWATCH  ===
[Note: According to the Geneva Conventions, the International Court of Justice in the Hague, and numerous United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal.  Most settlement outposts are considered illegal under Israeli law.] 
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 18:31:53 +0300
Subject: [cpthebron]
"Three settlers of Havat Ma'on attack Internationals in Meshakha valley, South Hebron Hills"
July 18th 2011
At-Tuwani - On 18 July 2011 around 6:35pm three settlers attacked two members of Operation Dove and one member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) with clubs and stones in the Meshakha valley outside of At-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. The settlers were observed coming out of the outpost of Havat Ma'on covering their faces with scarves then running with clubs in their hands toward two Palestinian shepherds who were grazing their sheep in a valley nearby.
The masked settlers could not catch the shepherds who were alerted of the approaching danger. The attackers then turned and ran toward the internationals who entered the valley to intervene and document the attack. Three young masked settlers armed with clubs made threats and then attempted to strike the internationals as they filmed their actions. As the internationals retreated the settlers begin throwing stones narrowly missing their targets. No Palestinians or internationals were injured in the incident.
This incident follows a similar attack of July 13th, 2011 where three settler youth attacked Palestinian shepherds. This is also the fifth violent settler attack from the outpost of Havat Ma'on within the last 30 days against internationals and Palestinians.
Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.
Pictures of the incident: http://snipurl.com/27stw4
Video of the incident: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRjDLrx23sU
For further information:  Operation Dove, 054 99 25 773  Christian Peacemaker Teams, 054 25 31 323
CPT-Palestine in At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills; 0542-531-323; 0595-980-718; Twitter @cptpalestine
Also from:
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 14:31:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: "CPTnet: the news service of CPT" <cptnet@mailman.cpt.org>
Subject: [CPTnet] AT-TUWANI: Three settlers of Havat Ma'on attack internationals in Meshakha  Valley, South Hebron Hills
To view the on-line version click here.
CPTnet  19 July 2011
Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.
Operation Dove (from Italy); the CPTers wear red ball caps and sometimes also red t-shirts.
Additional photos of the incident are available here. (The unmasked men in the photos are the internationals)
Video of the incident is available here.  --  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRjDLrx23sU
Excerpt from  http://www.gregfelton.com/int_politics/2011_07_22.htm
Zionist coercion has already forced financially vulnerable Greece to blockade the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Georgios Ayfantis, a consular official in Vancouver, admitted that Greece is afraid of Israel, and that the sabotaging of Palestinian relief efforts is a quid pro quo for getting an undersea natural gas pipeline and liquefied natural gas plant on Crete.
Securing UN recognition of Palestinian statehood would both carry great moral weight, and presage a formal request for membership. Normally, such a request requires a recommendation from the Security Council, but any such attempt would be vetoed by Israel's proxies. In fact, Obama publicly declared that no vote at the United Nations would ever create a Palestinian state, as if he were in a position to make such a claim or had the authority to dictate to the General Assembly. Nevertheless, Palestine has a way around Israel's Security Council blockade-UNGA Resolution 377 ("Uniting For Peace").

===  FOOD/DRINKWATCH  === croissants and scotch
+  FOOTO -- Fresh out of the oven! -- local croissants!  http://www.footodelights.com/
+ Single-Malt SCOTCH being distilled on Vancouver Island!               http://www.shelterpointdistillery.com/
Vancouver Sun article:

===  PHOTOWATCH  ===  World's 'Ugliest' Buildings
The world's 'ugliest' buildings - from various rankings JULY 22, 2011 6:04 AM
 What are the "ugliest" buildings in the world? Forbes, Virtual Tourist and Oddee.com  all have their rankings of what they perceive as aesthetically unpleasing. Here's a look at their choices. (Lists do not reflect the views of the Sun)
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/UPDATED+world+ugliest+buildings+from+various+rankings/5137433/story.html#ixzz1SqbX1IVv
Steve Whysall tells the story of the Nitobe Garden at UBC -- v interesting
===  SCHOOLWATCH  ===  Great idea to swap
    Lectures at home; Homework at school: http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/07/ff_khan/all/1

o  HERITAGE VANCOUVER  -- WALKS  http://www.johnatkin.com/
Summer Walking Tours.. For those who missed out on Market Alley; opium, laundry, and pawnshops, and Blood Alley; early Vancouver, we have partnered with John Atkin to offer these tours again, two evenings in August: Blood Alley, Wed August 10th, and Market Alley, Wed August 17th, 7 - 9pm. More evening tour information >> 
More news soon on the 12th annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea.........
- 2 to 4pm - Saturday August 13 in Dundarave Park
         sip some Royal Wedding tea by Murchie's with nibblies
               A Heritage West Van event (tel 922 4400 for reservations)

Error! Filename not specified.
> Men Are Just Happier People. 
> Your last name stays put. 
> The garage is all yours. 
> Wedding plans take care of themselves. 
> Chocolate is just another snack.   
> You can never be pregnant. 
> Car mechanics tell you the truth. 
> The world is your urinal. 
> You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. 
> You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. 
> Same work, more pay. 
> Wrinkles add character. 
> People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. 
> New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. 
> One mood all the time.
> Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. 
> You know stuff about tanks and engines. 
> A ten-day vacation requires only one suitcase. 
> You can open all your own jars. 
> You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. 
> Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You never have strap problems in public. 
> You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. 
> Everything on your face stays its original colour. 
> The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. 
> You only have to shave your face and neck. 
> You can play with toys all your life. 
> One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one colour for all seasons. 
> You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. 
> You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. 
> You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache. 
> You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. 
> No wonder men are happier. 
> Send this to the women who can handle it and to the men who will enjoy reading it

===  MAIKU  ===  2011 July 16 (Opening Night)  Richard III -- Bard on the Beach

                                         slatted doors open
                                                               back-lit he enters --
                                                                                   shaded ... twisted ... evil ... face ...
                          rain intensifies
                                               as loudly it falls
                                                                   and his villainy compounds

                                    cornered, now circled,
                                                            crawls, crippled, crab-like
                                                                                            guilt, fear -- overcome by swords

>  Found this moving:
There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for humankind.
                         -- Hannah Szenes, Hungarian/Jewish poet, playwright, and paratrooper (1921 - 1944)
>  so wanted to know more (so from Wikipedia):
Hannah Szenes (Hungarian: Szenes Anik=F3), often anglicized as Hannah Senesh (July 17, 1921 - November 7, 1944) was a Hungarian Jew, one of 37 Jews who lived in the British Mandate for Palestine (now Israel), who were trained by the British army to parachute into Yugoslavia during the Second World War in order to help save the Jews of Hungary, who were about to be deported to the German death camp at Auschwitz.
Szenes was arrested at the Hungarian border, imprisoned and tortured, but she refused to reveal details of her mission and was eventually tried and executed by firing squad. She is regarded as a national heroine in Israel, where several streets, the headquarters of the Zionist youth movements Israel Hatzeira and a kibbutz are named after her, and her poetry is widely known.
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.        -- Albert Einstein
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.       -- Confucius
One starts to get young at the age of sixty, and unfortunately it's too late.       -- Pablo Picasso
Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.           -- Annette Funicello
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.   -- Warren Buffet
I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.    -- Pietro Aretino             
        Who fights can lose. Who        doesn't fight has already lost.      -- Bertolt Brecht                                                                         
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".
                                                        -- Mary Anne Radmacher
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing that's why we recommend it daily.
                                                        -- Zig Ziglar
I had a tough time working as a garbage collector because of miasma.
     The Keystone Kops were frequently criticized for excessive use of farce.
I asked the bartender for a small sample and he gave me this micro brew.